Hi. I'm 5'10" 210 looking for older women for fun and companionship. 50-65 any race or size.
Reader L. sent in this lovely personal ad featuring what I must say is an absolutely fantastic lawnchair in it. Look at it back there, what with it's gleaming aluminum supports, fine interwoven nylon straps, and sturdy plastic handlebars. A finer lawnchair I have not set my eyes upon in quite some time.
I'd love to have that chair.
I'd love to sit in it in my yard, and maybe get myself a good ol' box of that Sharrdonnay crap that my grandma used to drink with a straw, causing her to occasionally release of an inordinate stream of foul and creative cursewords that would make the most seasoned Bering Sea crabber blush. That, or she'd start shooting birds in the beak with a rifle. She wasn't very pleasant.
And from that chair, I could dream. I could dream of kicking the asses of all the disgusting, hairy social ingrates who sit in their poorly lit basements naked and take perfectly good pictures of perfectly good lawnchairs but insist on putting their dicks in it.
Thinking that somehow, a woman might see this picture and think something other than "Wow, that sure is a nice lawnchair."
I agree, ladies. I agree.
His ad should read:
Hi. I'm 5'10" 210 looking for older women for fun and companionship. 50-65 any race or size (but not so big that you bust up the frame of my favorite lawn chair).
I could use some new lawn chairs in the horse trailer...
Are these still available?
Hopefully he put a towel down before plopping his naked ass in the one chair. That will surely decrease the value of the chair.
I'm not that picky, as women go. I can deal with bad shoes, ugly socks etc. But if you are over the age of 19, YOU NEED TO HAVE REAL FURNITURE IN YOUR HOUSE.
For starters.
Now go to the gym and get rid of that nasty hair-covered gut. Blech.
Wow, it looks like a mushroom cloud is emanating from his loins.
Oh yeah, and that's definitely a sexy lawn chair.
I haven't seen a lawn chair that nice since ten years ago when I grabbed the last one on clearance at K-Mart.
OMG!!! I have that lawnchair...
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