Welcome to the home offices of WWHM Headquarters here in beautiful downtown Dubuque, Iowa, right behind Wing C of Tom's Animal Rendering Plant!
Boy, I don't know what they're chopping up over there today, but my car is door-deep in bird spleens and my secretary Beulah just found a finch beak in her grilled cheese.
Speaking of Beulah, there she is at a NASCAR race last weekend having the time of her life with her best friend Julie in the white shirt. Hey Beulah, how 'bout laying off the buffalo balls sandwiches and getting a fucking wax now and then, huh? You're beginning to look like a Nebraskan musk ox in mid-February.
I swear every time I fuck her, I could sweep up the hair and construct a fucking milking goat from scratch.
Anyway, WWHM would like to thank you readers for pushing us over the 100,000 mark just 39 days after we started marketing the blog. What a fantastic streak we've been on! How will we thank you? Well we've got some great articles coming up to provide you ladies with some top-secret information about men, and we will of course continue to analyze the relentless onslaught of the absolute worst personal ads the internet has to offer. All for the low, low price of meeting me behind Wing B of Tom's Animal Rendering Plant once a month for some serious emotional healing. Make sure you sign up for a time slot, or I'm cutting you off!
Stay tuned folks, because we have some great stuff coming up!
As for me, I'm off to the next room to smoke up some of Beulah's back hair in a moldy hashish pipe. Posts!
Congratulations on the 100k! And I see the himalayans let the Yeti out for some NASCAR... They are so understanding.
Thanks kalmanen!
I have Beulahs beeper number if you want it.
Hey Congrats! I love this blog! You Rock Weasel! Sign me up for the monthly emotional healing sessions! :) its a small price to pay for what you provide! A good laugh!
weasel, no thank you. If I want to see something as big and hairy, I'll just visit my big brother.
I don't know what is it with men and living alone that when you do, you don't wear anything else but your underwear. All the time. Even if your little sister is coming to visit...
I'm ready for some emotional healing now, I just thought my bro wearing the asspants that were featured earlier.
Nebraskan musk ox?
I know Alaska has them. Seen them in the musk ox farm. Even got charged by one while taking the farm tour. Glad she stopped at the fence and didn't try to go through...
Congrats on the big 100,000+ Any sort of a party in the planning?
Wahoooo Weasel!
I think I just threw up a little...
Damn I knew someone would catch me on that.
I should know better than to try and squeeze a joke past people knowledgeable about animals.
However there are four in the Omaha zoo. (Please don't check that fact.)
No worries Weasel. It is my understanding there are a number of farms distributed about in the US. There may be Nebrask musk oxen, there are some I beleive in Montana...
They do well in colder climates. They wouldn't make it here.
The undercoat is called quiviute (sp?) and although when spun and knitted into blankets, gloves, sweaters, scarves, etc., although it is rather thin it is really, really WARM to wear.
If you can braid your back, it's time to invest in some manscaping.
And no, numbers don't count.
There's no better way to pay your respects to Dale Earnhardt than shaving his number into your back hair. Dale would be proud if he were still alive.
Buffalo This.
bwahahaha...Kalmanen...too funny. Poor you, are you in therapy to cope with the visual abuse your brother inflicts?
minxyq, thank you, I try. I'm more wittier in finnish, english is my third language.
I'm just a poor student, so have to turn to the internet to find some form of therapy.
I follow up couple of other blogs besides WWHM (sorry weasel, I have to admit that you're not that special); Cake Wrecks, Lovely Listing (I love the Chair's summer trip!), Photoshop Disasters (nurtures the photographer side of me) and of course FHOTD which is the way I found most of the blogs I read.
Besides blogs, strong alcohol like vodka or koskenkorva with energy drinks is a good method too, but not for the faint-hearted.
A fairy lives in absinth, but there lives a bumblebear called "hangover" in koskenkorva. He comes after you in the morning and it wont be pretty.
When Beluah there is walking away, you can totally shout "hey, COME BACK HAIR!"
Wow!! Robin Williams got really, really FAT.
Evergrey- I missed that the first time around.
You rock!
Go Dale Sr! I heart u 4ever!
I now know where all the puked up hairballs go now...back hair for men..eewwww looked like he could have used a little on top though.
When I think of running my fingers through a man's ahir- it is the hair on top of his head I think of. Not the hair on his BACK! EEEWWWW!
How many other gals are with me on this one?
cutnjump, amen to that! I know some ladies who like men who have a bit more body hair, but I think even they meet their limit when you can make a haynet braid from the backhair...
I agree with you CNJ. I also like to run my fingers through a well kept beard... not back hair!
CONGRATS WEASEL! You rock my world! :)
kalmanen said "I think even they meet their limit when you can make a haynet braid from the backhair"
I got a visual on that one! Break out the razor and the weaving loom, we have found a new illegal immigrant occupation.
Where is our new Monday morning post?
It's been awhile since I've been to the Omaha Zoo, but used to live a block away and would sit on my front steps listening to the seals honk and peacocks... um.. cock? lol
I do believe there ARE Nebraskan musk-ox there, so it never occurred to me to question the comment! Beulah qualfies as one of the dwarf mutant variety.
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