ill let you have all of me as long as you want,, ill be your puppy dog,, figure that one out,, hunny,, send me a note im here for you know!! Edgar
If there's one thing that makes women hornier than your body Edgar, I'd have to say it's Lowe's "Ducks in Autumn" wallpaper motif.
But the open toilet filled with urine ought to juice 'em up just right.
Clam bucket required. Yak!
Nothing says "hotness" like a farmer tan with jeans riding lower than Michael Phelps' Speedo... I'm just imagining that beer belly slapping me... *gag*
I dunno fleeting, he does have handles you could grab on to...hahahaha
Good posts Weasel, you had me worried for a minute there.
...don't let the bedbugs bite..damn!
Yeah, last posts were bad. Honestly, I'd take them down, but people tend to get pissed.
I bet when he bends over he needs crack spackle....
For anyone who hasnt seen Crack Spackle...
,, ill be your puppy dog,, figure that one out,,
You mean you are going to shit on the floor so I have to rub your nose in it or something? No thanks...
You just know a mullet has been cut out of that picture!
Okay, I think I just sensed some IQ leakage here...
Puppy dog, huh? Mine likes to drool, chew on things and has no nuts. So this guy is either into pegging or castration, right?
Um, this really needed kittens or puppies or something before it.
Let's break this down some:
1972 Wallpaper with weeping willows (I would weep too)
Tiling that you would find in a deer shack that was built in 1963
A table that is hidden under crap
A garbage can
The toilet seat UP!!!!!!!!!!!
Dirty jeans. You can tell the difference etween USED and DIRTY
Inproper use of a belt (Why were one if it's too loose to hold up your pants???)
Moobies that you just know fold over when his arms are down
Saggy paper skin
The weirdest hairy-chest pattern I've ever seen
A towel rack...with no towels
What appears to be a dumbell next to the toilet (Why, oh WHY?!)
Yup, he's my dream dog. He has parvo. Shoot him.
Wow! wear*
I just woke up. Shut up!
The creative use of double commas is enough for me, and the nice touch of the belly over the pant waistband and farmer's tan is quite the turn-on.
I also don't like the use of the term "honey" and I hate it even more when it's spelled "hunny." Makes me think of Winnie the Pooh. At least he didn't type "cum get my puppy luv, hunny" or anything equally as romantic!
I have the overwhelming urge to kick this puppy dog! And I like most dogs, at least the four-legged furry barking kind!
Little correction:
It's not wallpaper. It's extremely cheap and thin paneling. You could bend it in your hands and snap it.
It dates from the last 70's/early 80's.
I know this because I've seen that exact stuff w/ that exact pattern in person.
Please don't ask.
WEASEL! Your last posts were NOT BAD!! *slap slap* Get ahold of yourself, man! I couldn't have made it through the early part of the week without them!!
OMG, this guy was worse than the Daisy Dukes. I got the whole body shudder and could hear "Dueling Banjos" playing in the background... I'm beyond the need of a clambucket, I think I'll just grab my blankie and go sit in a quiet corner with a cat in my lap and a bottle of Patron and stare traumatized into space...
Nothing is worse than the Daisy Dukes!!! Nothing....
So how does he keep the trailer from tipping over when he's doing bicep curls on the toilet with the dumbell?
I still wonder why old creepy guys think they're sexy as hell.
Not to mention there's 64,000 of them in this town, usually found chatting up the guy at the hot dog stand at Home Depot or wandering around campus leering at women young enough to be their granddaughters.
*** Okay, I think I just sensed some IQ leakage here... ***
That's what's in the toilet.
Men never learn...and the puter ate my post.
If Edgar were my puppy dog I'd drop him off at the pound.
The decor looks like a hunting camp. The ducks remind me of fecal matter smeared onto walls.
No the worse was the old fart trying to get laid by an 18-24 year old chick... I still cant look at an old guy with out thinking... was he the guy in the post.... ewwwwww
And after my Walmart incident right after reading that post.... It will haunt me forever!
Aw Weasel, the belt did it for me.
Gawd I like that belt!
Pissy, hairy toilet? Check.
Filthy lowriders? Check
Fat, pasty belly? Check
Bilious bathroom? Check
Back off girls! My pussy is wet, my panties are off and he's all mine!
I don't think I can even translate his message to proper English. Brain... hurting... must... read book.. to regain IQ.
Holy Crap... "Eggar" from Men in Black is back!
It is very interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.
Kate Simpson
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