A lot of of bloggers have been writing to ask how WWHM became popular. Believe me, it wasn't always this way guys. Four months ago I wrote this blog for 6-8 people, and they didn't even read it. But as I've told you all, it exploded once I posted a few comments on other blogs and it just somehow took off from there.
Feel free to use WWHM comments to promote yourself. In fact, post your direct links in the comments below to get started.
If you must have some losers today, here's a site from WWHM reader Jaime. Thanks Jaime!
I'll be back soon guys, and thank you for making WWHM a success. We've got kitten photos coming up next week, so you know what that means. ***YOU'VE BEEN WARNED***
And, of course, a special thanks goes to Cathy at FHOTD for giving me my first big breakthrough.
Not only has she been a great mentor, but she's just a goddamn kick-ass chick on top of that.
How will I survive without WWHM? The life size photo of you over my bed isn't good enough for the days you don't post!
Thanks for the invite to share my blog:
jimandgarret.blogspot.com. My blog isn't quite as humorous, but if you don't mind tracking 2 homos (Jim and I) across the country in an RV, take a peak.
I love you Weasle!
Oy, those pictures you find. Stuff like that really need a kitten warning. although, there might be one in there we just can't see...
As for blog links, I'll be getting a post up here sometime this evening about my date last night.
Dating Adventures from the Zoo
Oh lord is that a real website? No way are those 'husbands' real... if they are I think I'l need to just open up my wrists now!
ahaha, i used to have a teacher, a long while ago in high school, who im positive looked like this gentleman. the hair on his knuckles would wind around his fingers... and yet, ironically, he couldnt grow one hair on his head.
Question: When does a fellow know it's time for some manscaping?
Answer: When they can cornrow their chest. -gag-
I don't have a blog yet, but I have plans for one to make a diary of my dream when I make it come true.
Said dream involves several weeks, what's left of Route 66, and a car that's too damn big, too damn heavy, too damn loud, too damn thirsty, has the ability to give a shark fin-envy, and wears enough chrome to blind orbiting astronauts.
*sigh* Someday. :)
I'll be sure to come here and give a shout when The Time Arrives.
My Jamie sent you that link...Actually my Jamie sent me YOUR link over the summer, too, so thank god for her...and you. I just dont understand how anyone could be that desperate.
Oh hell, I almost gagged when I saw that picture. Does any woman find that amount of body hair attractive? It's moments like these when I DON'T wonder why half the time I find the car on Knight Rider more attractive than some of the men out there... Sigh.
My blog: Muttpuppies on Trial! Why breeding designer dogs is silly, and other doggy things.
I'll be watching the comments here for more blogs to haunt. Thanks Wease!
Geez Weasel, thanks for the link to mailorderhusbands.net.
I have my credit card out and I'm having a blast shopping and eventually ordering one of those dead sexy fellas for myself!
Bring on those kittens! I am utterly unafraid! Meow!
JFC, I can't believe that the mail order husband website could possibly be real. I mean, nearly each post is WWHM-worthy!! <:O
Here kitty kitty kitty
I knew that was it! Thank you Jaime for sending me that link. I'll fix it!
(I'm really shitty at managing my email. I try to answer EVERYBODY, but sometimes I get so backlogged, I lose track of who Ive responded to.)
I found out about this blog from Cathy's Fugly Horse blog. Horse girls really appreciate this stuff. :-)
OK, fixed that for Jaime. I really need to start giving you guys credit for what you submit, you guys do a lot of hard work for me and I really appreciate it.
I used to, but I kind of figured WWHM is like female porn. You like to look at it, but you don't want anyone to know you look at it.
I should start posting intials with the ads I get.
Ah, hell. I've told tons of people I know about it. My roommate, the girls I work with...
I didn't know I was supposed to be ashamed of something like this. Anyhow, its too funny to keep to myself
Yeah, I think Fugly has done you a good service, her link was how I found you.
Kittens... I'm frightened!
Now, I'm a girl who enjoys a man with a nice pelt (sooo warm and cuddly for camping...), but I can't tell you what my own personal limit is... I suppose the man must be much taller and larger than me, and that the hair be the same shade or slightly lighter than the head hair. Perhaps there is a percentage of skin to hair darkness that is a defining factor... If you have pale skin, black hair is quite frightening if there is a LOT of it... but tanned or tannish skin with downy soft blond or brown hair is a pleasure.
I will spare everyone my two blogs, one is frightening and NSF anyone, and the other is mundane ramblings...
My jaw is in my lap after looking at that picture, and especially after seeing that mail order "man" site. What gets me is how the guys are like "I don't understand why you're not emailing me, I'm on sale!"
Oh... my... god.
But enjoy my Flickr!
Kittens, eh...promises, promises.
**Hack** Hack** **cough**
Oh Crap!! A hairball!
I started a blog, made one real post and haven't been motivated enough to do so since then.. BUT I constantly update my Flickr, and it has a zillion pictures from Belgium (one of which has been published) 3 warmblood horse inspections (some will be published in the American Hanoverian Society magazine's inspection results), macro pictures of bug, flowers, pony noses, pictures of the beauty that is Florida, etc.
See it here :)
Actually, I found your site by googling "Stupid Fucking Kitten" (my kitten was pissing me off - toes do not equal food). No lie. Then I got to your "Cute Fucking Kitten" page.
Weasel, can you shave that guy, stick the hair on yourself for my pleasure???
OMG..I was eating!!
Holy Klinger from M.A.S.H. Weasel.
He looks like something my cat horked up in the middle of the night then left for me to find in the morning when I'm barefoot.
Then you take this guy swimming and all his hair lays down flat when he's wet. He'll look like he's wearing his speedo on the outside of his dance leeretards (thats what my older brother called them. That's why I hate leeretards).
Are you sure this isn't the guy from the Geico commercials?
Thank you Fugs, for introducting me to my other great love, Weasel!
You're the greatest Weasel!
So.... that's what a weresheep looks like.
weresheep? *howls laffin*
is that a wolf in sheeps clothing? A sheep in wolfs clothing? A werewolf in weresheeps clothing? or vise versa? do I need one less L.I.T?
weresheep, something to keep me giggling all day tomorrow and for the next four days I work.
I love this blog. it makes my day everytime i read it. keep it up weasle!!
Did anyone else read the 'success stories' on MailOrderHusbands.net? OH MAN!
"Arlina met her husband, Mark (right), through the MOH print catalog. Their affection blossomed when Arlina sent for him in his homeland of Latvia. Mark's understanding of English is rough due to his learning disabilities, but they are both fluent in the language of love."
Ah, yes, the language of love... similar to the language of liquor-induced pity fucking, but with champagne, your grandparents in the front row, and a legally binding contract.
That site is a gag -- look at the results page and try the compatability test -- the possible answers on it will make you laugh
anonymous "JFC, I can't believe that the mail order husband website could possibly be real. I mean, nearly each post is WWHM-worthy!!"
I couldn't agree more!!! Liked the 17 year old turning 18 soon that is looking for a rich gal so they can go have some fun since he's going to be getting kicked out of the house soon...lmao!!
and they wonder why I chose single over that...hhmmm I don't know.
Ha, my blog is kinda depressing, but it is an important issue.
I'm not going to advertise my blog since its on hold right now but you all should check out cutewithchris.com
its hilarious.
Off topic, but proof that porn doesn't actually work:
Love the blog and have been reading it since it was first featured on FHOTD :)
Is it just me, or do some of those pictures of the "men" on the mail order site look like mug shots...?
I do enjoy this blog - my URL is
Havocec, you should really know better than to eat while reading this blog. It's quite the diet aid.
I think you found the missing link Weasel!
Anyway, not much going on at my blog, but OK: http://grayreverie.blogspot.com/
Yes thank you Cathy for I never would have survived without seeing pictures of nasty men. LOL....the funny thing is that a good 40-50% of the fucktards that post these ads are probably people she's called out in the past.
But no, really, I think this blog is fucking hilarious.
WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, a sasquatch?
"I kind of figured WWHM is like female porn. You like to look at it, but you don't want anyone to know you look at it."
Are you kidding? I send this to EVERY WOMAN I KNOW and they ALL love it!
Well Jamie wasnt mad about not being credited...but she'll be ecstatic that she is now...And credit or otherwise, Weasel...We love you just the same.
weasel knows the way to a womens heart is shameless self promotion and a BOGO event.
its snark, some feel good,some gossip, some political bullsh*t.
I also arrived here from Fugly!
Not much on mine... mostly used to advertise custom model horses that are done, or new photography.. but hey... free publicity is free publicity.
"Name: Mike
Ladies, I have a lot of love to give. I will be starting a new life shortly and want you to be part of it. I am very romantic and in very good condition,.. but I won't be available for about 18 months, but I'm happy to write letters. I'm up for parole next month, so I'm hoping to be available sooner. Location: Pelican Bay Pen, USA"
... Seriously?
Thank you so very much, Weasel, this link is a real treasure! ^^
"Name: Earl
I deal in reality...and the reality is that I'm ready for love. I can chop lots of wood and can even climb a greased pole. I keep in shape by chasing chickens around my back yard. I keep my self clean and take baths weekly."
Chasing chickens... hm... it reminds me of a photo that travelled the Internet. Two man and a chicken: one is holding it, and the other... well... is busy about stucking his cock into its cloaca. I bet our dear Earl is kind of the second one.
Is Bigfoot Real or make-believe? For around 4 hundred many years, there have been reporting’s of a man like monster that's entirely covered in hair.
[url=http://www.is-bigfoot-real.com/]skunk ape[/url]
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