Through my dealings with the fairer sex throughout my life, I have become completely disillusioned with females and have now resorted to the internet in an effort to find one that I can at least tolerate for extended periods of time.
You want to know about me? I’ll tell you what I’m not.
1) I am not your father. I will not tolerate childish bullshit when you don’t get your way and I will not throw money at you to shut you up.
2) I am not your hobby. That’s why you have friends.
3) I am not someone who puts the toilet seat down after I urinate. You’re a big girl now and if you can’t be bothered to so much as look at where you’re about to park your ass, you deserve the cold embrace of toilet water.
As a staunch rationalist, I realize you’re probably every bit as bitter with men as I am with your cunt compatriots. My theory is you have not yet lost all hope so we can end our days in perpetual bliss or whatever storybook bullshit those cookie cutter girls get off on.
My ideal woman takes care of herself to some degree. We can’t help certain aspects of our appearance, but if you don’t bathe regularly and have eaten yourself fat it demonstrates a fatal lack of respect for yourself that one would expect to bleed into other aspects of your behavior.
Send me an email that makes me think, laugh, or hope. For the love of a God in which I don’t even believe, just someone show me you’re not all the same.
Meet Peter, the number one reason mermaids break into applause when they discover they don't have a vagina.
But if you do have a vagina, congratulations. Peter would like to introduce himself to you, followed by kicking your dog in the nuts.
Peter recently sat down to write a personal ad but ended up writing an obituary for his own balls. If "I am not someone who puts the toilet seat down after I urinate" is your siren song for the ladies Peter, then I suggest you entertain your sperm with a Travel Scrabble and some comfortable folding chairs. Here's a familiar word they can start with: Sweatsock.
Yet WWHM cannot help but suckle sweetly from the engorged teat of irony; Peter hates women, but yearns deeply for what he claims to so despise. Hence, his personal ad takes on the morbid tone of a six year-old boy forced by his mother to beg for an urn of boiled turnips.
Tortured by his animosity towards the female sex, yet fueled by his desire for pussy, Peter labors through 5 painful and pouty paragraphs by huffing and puffing, stomping his feet, and spilling applesauce all over his bib. Don't fight it Peter; pussy is like a bend in space. That shit sucks everything in. If you want to get angry about it, go ahead and write a complaint to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
If you've ever dated a gay Viking, that pretty much sums Peter as a date. He'll probably pee on you at some point in the evening, he certainly won't compliment you on your dress, and he won't want to touch you at all. But when it's time to get what he wants, he'll just club you with an oar and take it. It's your choice ladies; a polar bear may find comfort in the loneliness and frigid conditions that waft so freely in the confines of Peter's moth-ridden Target briefs, but you don't have to.
And on a personal note Peter, if you plan on dropping the C-bomb in a personal ad, prepare yourself for an inevitable explosion of masturbation.
"Send me an email that makes me think, laugh, or hope. "
Good advice Peter.
Use it.
Weasel .... i love you ... oh sorry was that too soon? ;)
Awesome blog. Awesome topic and great commentary. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time .... my legs have never been this tightly shut either.
Hmmm Peter sounds like another before him. Another angry man towards the fairer sex. I could have lived with what he was looking for but then he blew it. Of course I dont want a guy that wants me to be his mother either. Ah well.. off to look through the archives cause I swear we have had him before here!
Lynda: I recognise it too! Glad you're doing the archive sifting-through, so I don't "have to". ;p
sigh - why don't the peters of this world just buy one of those artificial vaginas - I’ve read that they are quite realistic these days- hell he could even throw it against the wall in disgust when he is finished.
Think they would just end up hating silicon & plastic hair instead?
Thanks Anon!
Lynda- doesn't it? I thought the exact same thing. I swore I ran an ad before that said "cunt compatriots." I looked in the archives and couldn't find it.
Email me if you find it.
Ah, here it is:
Good catch Danbala!!!!!
Man, I knew I'd seen this fucking thing before. He must be re-posting it.
Thank you!!
PS I deleted the old one- it was just an open post with no WWHM commentary.
Do you know how many fucking times I looked for that damn thing???
After calling other women 'cunts' he really expects females to fall ALL over him..
No thanks!
Good luck to this guy.
We fucking love you, Weasel.
I didnt do a good job going through the archives...
I think it was 330am here... and its snowing again... I'd take 6 inches but its looking like 12. Too much for me! Good thing I dont have to work today. But I do get to snow blow later...
...if all he wants is pussy, why doesn't he just head out and pay for a dime-store whore? He'd be able to degrade and abuse her all he wanted, fuck her, and then she'd leave so he wouldn't have to deal with her wanting the toilet seat down.
And chances are the crack would have helped her retain her girlish figure, so there's a bonus for you, Peter. No fat slags for you.
Peter. Heh. Another term for a dick, hm?
The toilet seat thing is basic courtesy, if you're not man enough to flip the lid up, aim, and flip the lid down so that the bathroom looks presentable, I don't want to live with your slovenly ass. If it means sooo much to you to be able to walk in, whip your dick out, do what you want and leave without effort, you're not the sort of man I'd be interested in anyway- in bathroom, bedroom or the rest of my life.
Because it wouldn't stroke his ego as well as his cock?
What he really wants is some hot, non-whore chick to subject herself to him. Ain't gonna happen. At least I hope not.
Basic rule of advertising anything:
You're trying to sell something. The idea is to talk about what's good about it. Your buyers, in this case "women," have a lot of choices. You'd better be telling them why they should choose you. To cure your disillusionment is not a winning reason!
Peter is so centered on his own needs and gripes that he has failed to provide any information about himself other than that he's male and negative.
Well, sign me right up!
He's awful young to be that bitter. I sincerely hope he enjoys the long, long years of masturbation ahead of him. For reals.
I love the irony. He says he wants a woman who respects herself, but no woman who respects herself would ever answer an ad so blatantly disrespectful.
Weasel, I believe the word you're looking for is 'cuntpatriots' which has become one of my all time favorite words.
It is for boys like Peter that toys like http://www.realdoll.com/ exist. Infinitely cheaper than a real woman over time, far less hassle, and she never has a headache. She won't clean up after you or feed you, but at least she shuts up during the game.
I've known losers like Peter. They actually wonder why they're single. Sheesh.
"Tortured by his animosity towards the female sex, yet fueled by his desire for pussy..."
Thank you for crafting a hilarious response that intersects what I've said about disrespectful male misogynists who give lip service to the fact that they supposedly "love women" for years -They don't love women, they love pussy.
It's just their personal tragedy that a living, breathing, fully- organic human vagina is attached to such a supposedly repulsive life form, especially because they're such a prize themselves.
As far as I see it, this guy has two options that will soothe his torment: 1.) Inter-species dating, or 2.) Castration
One question--why is going out with him like dating a *gay* viking? In my experience, the point of gay is the lack of desire for pussy. Enlightenment?
Peter is hoping that if he keeps running the ad someone somewhere will answer. Good luck, Peter. Enjoy your long lonely life.
All my life I've been looking for a man who refers to my female peers as "cunt compatriots."
You stay classy, Peter.
Great to see you, Weasel! I wish you'd update this site more than you update you other site.
I think that dating him is supposed to be like dating a "gay" Viking because his distaste for women is so palatable that one can't help but wonder if homophobia is the only reason the fellow hasn't tried to see how the other side lives.... :/
I think that dating him is supposed to be like dating a "gay" Viking because his distaste for women is so palpable that one can't help but wonder if homophobia is the only reason the fellow hasn't tried to see how the other side lives.... :/
I should have known better than to say "gay" on here, it always riles somebody up.
He's on a date with you "and he doesnt want to touch you". As in , he has an aversion to women? Gay? Get it?
Its not a gay bashing joke. I don't bash gays on here, nor does anyone else. Period.
Anyway, yes I apologize WWHMers', my work schedule has been INSANE and I haven't had any time to post; PLFM is easy, but WWHM ain't.
Things will be back to normal in April I hope. Might be a little sparse until then.
He's the kind of guy who would take you on a date to Burger King with a coupon for BOGOF Whoppers and complain that you were selfish and inconsiderate if you wanted a chicken sandwich instead.
I wasn't in the least offended, and I didn't see any bashing, no worries. I was just surprised to see a liking of pussy ascribed to gay men. Plenty of things have been said about us, but enjoying pussy isn't one of them, usually...
"the number one reason mermaids break into applause when they discover they don't have a vagina."
"pussy is like a bend in space. That shit sucks everything in."
These are the reasons I FUCKING LOVE YOU Weasel!
You come up with the greatest material that makes me laugh til I leak.
Your dedicated harem member,
Persnickety Ticker
He thinks perpetual bliss is bullshit, but he wants it anyway despite the fact he has made it so clear he has no idea how to have a real relationship with women without treating them like they are 1) idiots and 2) children?
I imagine a date with him involves hours of awkward silence interrupted only by him clearing his throat and looking at his watch, and ends with a request around 11pm to adjourn to the bedroom for fornicatory purposes.
You know, seeing as how we've both "tolerated" each other so well.
"cunt compatriots"
Didn't we hear this same phrase somewhere before?
Oh, that's right. We heard it here, in the comments section didn't we? Or was it another post?
Either way, it sounds like we found a match. If it isn't the same person- then one of them can be the other one's bitch.
Love you Weasel!
Weasel, we've totally seen this ad before, only it said "####y compatriots" XD Gross to think that this thing has made the rounds so many times!
That being said, though it's a repeat ad, your commentary makes it worth another read XD <3
The sad thing is, I've met women who just gave up and married something like this. I've been asked to sit and sympathize. My patience is very limited.
Ew. I can just tell by how misogynistic this guy is that he's no great physical specimen himself, let alone remotely intelligent. He probably feels so entitled because he's still living with his mother - who treats him like the sun shines out of his ass. Unless Peter magically becomes insanely rich no hot woman will ever be willing to put up with him let alone sleep with him - and even then she'd be an idiot because he's repulsive.
Seems like this is one of those unoriginal copy-paste jobs done by "pick-up artists." Wouldn't surprise me if Dmitri the Lover wrote this himself.
Check it out:
Am I the only one who noticed the combo toilet/sink? Do they have those in prison?? I've never seen a setup like that. Anyone out there ever seen anything like that before? If he IS in prison, I bet I can guess what for! What a misogynistic scumbag this guy is. If he's this bad at 26, I fear there is no hope for the fucker.
Wouldn't it be great to show his mother this ad?? :-)
I hate to say this, but this might be another sad PUA standardized ad. I've seen this thing a cajillion times in a few different cities. Scary if it is, who are they trying to pick up?
I agree with Duncan on the toilet thing. Not only does it look nice, it's good Feng Shui (Open toilet and/or bathroom door = money down the drain!)
Not to mention the sanitary aspect of CLOSING THE LID BEFORE YOU FLUSH to keep the germs DOWN in the toilet, not flying at light speed toward my toothbrush, thank you!
If no one wants to lower the seat/lid combo because of touching the ickiness, either keep gloves or a cloth nearby, or clean the damned thing!
You, Peter, are a lazy hypocrite. You have already gotten what you deserve - nothing!
The toilet/sink combo are rather common in Japan. When you flush clean water comes out of the tap so you can wash your hands at the same time. Rather nifty idea in the tiny spaces a loo takes up
As for his add, get on speaking terms with your hand Peter.
I read this posted on Korea Craig list just before Christmas. My friends and I had a good laugh.
Delusional does not even begin to describe this fool. I love misogynistic asshats who love to bash women but spend much of their pathetic lives trying to get inside one, knowing damn well that the last time he was within arm's reach of a pussy was when he came out of one! *sigh*
Oh my gawd. Can we spell...mysogynist or is it really mysanthropy!?
Can it be he's having a bad day, week, month...year?
Nasty hate ad, and I had to laugh Weasel about the gay viking! Weren't they all gay...like the greeks or the romans?
Oh, I see some folks didn't understand the gay viking comment.
The way I see it, it's a cliche that in greek and roman times, often women were used for one purpose and, especially in greek culture, love relationships were not normally developed between men and women (these were functional) but between men and young men (er...won't go there really). Roman times it wasn't quite the cult as in greek, but still...woman who often wielded power...were related as being a pain in the butt that had to be dealt with, but you loved your brother who you went to war with.
With respect to Peter and Weasel's post, I just figured Weasel chose Viking's due to Peter's primitive, neanderthal like attitude, and since the Vikings were very violent rapers and pillagers, Peter the woman hater, fit the bill.
I don't know if that's what you meant Weasel but that is how I read it.
Nasty hate ad, and I had to laugh Weasel about the gay viking! Weren't they all gay...like the greeks or the romans?
The Germanic groups tended not to be. The Celts, on the other hand, were known to be bad-ass warriors with gay lovers.
fleeting said...
Seems like this is one of those unoriginal copy-paste jobs done by "pick-up artists." Wouldn't surprise me if Dmitri the Lover wrote this himself.
Check it out:
It's like a form letter for the misogynic.
I'm in 100% agreement about this guy on the toilet seat thing; I don't raise the toilet seat every time I'M done with the can so why do women expect men to LOWER it every time they're done?
That's as far as my agreement goes, though.
Oddly enough I have an online profile on an internet dating site and men constantly write to tell me how refreshing it is to see a woman who's different from all the rest. "Wow, you're not married!" shows up at least a few times a year, yet that's as far as it's ever gotten, because the guys writing these things all live across the border. *sigh*
/personal lament
All I can say this guys ad was good for ...
Was bumping down the last guys ad posted so I can stop getting the Heebie-Jeebies seeing a that Razor weilding freak 1st thing in the morning :::SHIVERS::::
Why is the toilet seat such a problem for American men? Keeping it closed is common sense- keeps the smells under control and most important- you won't accidentally drop anything into it.
I remember seeing some sorta pedal powered seat lifter thing somewhere-it's spring loaded and keeps the seat forced closed, so everyone's happy!
Have you seen toilets in Japan? Talk about obsessed with a devised, they are ALL automated. They clean themselves and also have an electric panel like something out of Star Trek Enterprise in how they function. Sorry, slightly off topic, but I do not understand why men have to be cave men about toilets.
err...device I meant to write.
The only place anyone should be shitting is the Internet.
Re: toilets - keep the lid down when not in use. Really. Sanitary, less disgusting to look at, keeps the dog (or the toddler!) from getting into it... It's also 'fair' to both parties. And if you think personal hygiene issues are ever 'fair' between the genders, I invite you to try shaving your legs.
As a previous commenter said, if you are the kind of guy who insists on being able to walk in, whip out your 'manly' parts, do your business, and then walk back out without pausing to pay attention to societal niceties - I'll bet you're exactly like that in bed, too. No thanks.
I wish I knew what site this ad came from so that I could contact this prick. The world has been pissing me off lately and mind fucking him online for weeks would put a smile on my face.
LOL, look at all you pussy hurt bitches.
This ad has been posted on CL several times, in several areas. It generally garners more success than hate. I could speculate that this is because women have a natural need to impress, or that they respond better to abuse than respect, or some other lame nonsense. But taking a few specific examples and making forming a conclusion about an entire gender of people would be moronic, wouldn't it?
Once, somebody showed me a picture of two homeless guys having sex in a public park. That was the worst thing I saw on the internet until I came to this site.
Hey Weasel and all you regs, great site! I'd like to sit Peter down and explain to him how being a member of society works but I'll just sum it up for him like this: if you think that EVERYONE has a problem, you're probably right and that problem is you.
Hypocrisy: people stating that they won't tolerate childish bullshit producing same.
This ad has been posted on CL several times, in several areas. It generally garners more success than hate.
Oh really? I don't see many women here impressed with it.
The only problem I can see with that ad is it will likely attract responses from the exact type of woman he is trying to avoid. Women will respond because they want to prove that they aren't that type. But who really would need to prove they aren't more than those that are exactly that person. Most girls who read it will just move on to the next ad, only with those who can clearly identify with it will it strike a nerve and force a reply. Kind of like the "don't press that button" dilemma. Who needs to prove they are able to not press that button? The people with the most inclined to press it. In the end he will most likely again prove his assessment of women correct because of who he attracts with that ad
These ads don't attract women that's why they keep running them again and again .... in some futile hope that some will bite.
Seriously, this type of ad is successful? It blows my mind if that's the case. Maybe a really emotionally damaged woman might think, "Oh, that poor lost soul, I will fix him with my love." But there's absolutely nothing attractive about this guy. The best thing I can say about this ad is that it's honest. He's telling you exactly what you're going to get from him: contempt. I read "The Game," and even pickup artists are better than this guy. At least they have something to offer--they're charming and entertaining. This guy's got nothing.
Weasel, this is the BEST SITE EVER! I'm laughing so hard I have TEARS running down my face!
And seriously, about the toilet lid. My theory is that women have to sit down 100% of the time, and men have to sit down at least 40% of the time (unless they perch on the rim to poop). That means that, statistically, the seat in a shared house will spend more time down than up anyway.
and you thought this was real? god damn women really are stupid.
"Peter" here.
I found your response diatribe to be a disappointing combination of idle speculation on my sexual preferences and childish insults. Congratulations on coming down to my level.
If any of you furiously clucking hens could pull your heads out of your egg-holes, you might realize just how many women out there were gifted with senses of humor.
Wonder why you see so many couples out laughing and having fun while you're all sitting around bitterly insulting anonymous men on the internet and debating cracking open just one more pint of ice cream before you start that diet? Wonder no more!
If you women could realize how to do a search you'd realize this was written almost a year ago. Not only that but it was posted on nearly ALL local CL "chapters". This started on an internet forum as a joke/prank. One of our very own did this to see what type of women we'd get. As usual, it was the dyke looking fat Obama babies.
What is more pathetic is the person who reported this was actually looking for a date on CraigsList.
Who is the failure now?
Holy fuck, calm down fatties. Just because a man says he doesn't like flab on his woman, doesn't mean you should all be working up a sweat typing your angry responses.
P.S. It was a joke, and you're all the butt of it. Retards.
Oh, and the next person to say "fairer sex" is getting cockslapped. Cunts.
Hey anonytards, y'all realize Weasel is a guy, right? I know, the header on a website is hard to miss.
Sorry no one outside of *chan thinks you're funny. It's a sad, sad life, I know.
Hey Carl, ever wonder why none of those happy couples involve your saggy ass? If you've got a good crazy lady story though, we'd be happy to rip her down too on Psycho Letters From Men (and Women). The link's on the sidebar.
"Fairer Sex". Sure you can find your "cock" to slap me with it? (Would I notice?)
/Weasel, you have SQUISHES!
/I'm so proud *sniff*
/Here are a few new CL for ya, Weasel.
CL Ad 1
CL Ad 2
This is hilarious; you've been taken in by a scam that internet virgins use to obtain nudes of women and show just how shallow many of them are. Bravo.
Yeah well through my dealings with the more obtuse sex, I have become completely celibate, 'cause much as I like my own, I'm not into other lady's vaginas.
No, I don't want to know about you Peter. You obviously are a dick. I'll tell you what the women of the world are not:
1) We are not your mother, though lord knows, she who spawned you should slap you hard across the face repeatedly. Seems she spared the rod and that's a crying' shame.
2) We are not like a football that you take out when you feel like it to toss around. That's why you have friends, or not...
3) I hope that your drunk bony ass goes to take a shit in the middle of the night sometime and falls into your own piss water from you having not set down the damn seat. Perhaps if it's cold enough, you'll never be able to find your penis again.
As a staunch feminist in a world full of pricks like you, I'm as bitter as grapefruit peel. My theory is it's only alcohol, good food and moody skies we have to thank for the miracle that procreation on this planet continues.
My ideal man is usually gay, although not those who hate 'fish' which is what I think you really are, a closeted woman hating S&M freak. In fact, I have to think that you're really just some guy who sat around with some buds and came up with this post, because even with all the a-hole men that I've met in my life, it's hard for me to believe that your post is serious. If it is, please just go see a violent dominatrix and get it out of your system you damn hosebag!
Hmm... and WE'RE the ones without a sense of humor here...?
So it was started as a joke... still hilarious!
Definitely felt the deja vu.
I'm glad I looked through the comments. For a second I thought that I'd read through so many of these I could anticipate what the guy was going to write.
I would of had to shoot myself if I really had started to be able to think like these jokers.
Peter, keep your butthurt out of the comments, k?
Man, the comments on these entries are better than my dumb-ass blog.
I figured out this ad was fake pretty quickly after I posted it- because I HAD seen it before and so had several of my readers who found it and it came from different areas of the country- hence its fake. They're all a little bit different but it's the same ad.
It wouldn't be the first time a fake ad made it onto WWHM. It wouldn't be the only one- I know of at least two others still posted on WWHM that ended up fake. And I've been called out on others that I didn't catch as fake but readers pointed it out to me.
Anyway, remember this is just a dumb ass entertainment blog. Some people think its funny, some dont, and some people take it way more seriously than they should.
Hope to have new post up this weekend, stay tuned.
I have never been on an online dating site, so I didn't realize the ads could be so long or vulgar! Aren't there Site Moderators? Cripe.
And Weasel... The line about the mermaids applauding... OMFG, I really did fall out of my chair, and had tears pouring out of my eyes and was having a hard time breathing I was laughing so hard! It was nearly five minutes before I could finish the rest of the post! Thank you for that.
P.S. Weasel - I got so worked up about the posibility of 'Peter's' (weenie nickname, heh heh) post being real I forgot to mention that your blog is one of the damn funniest I have ever encountered in my entire life. It makes me laugh so hard I almost pee my damnpants. If they get any funnier I'll have to wear Depends when reading, or at least read in the tub, ew...
Aw, who gives a flying crap hair if the ad is fake? The ads are just the icing on the urinal cake, I read this site for the commentary. Mermaids applauding because they don't have vaginas? Fucking gold.
Weasel, dedicated trolls are one of the first signs of hitting it big on the internet (or is it the apocalypse? I get those two confused). Breathe deep the sweet musky stink of success.
Whineoftheweek, maybe you're just trying too hard in your relationships much as you do in your comments, lol.
As for anyone wondering why the commentary itself loses potency once it comes to light that the ad is fake, well, attacking a piece of satiric parody as if it were seriously written work kind of turns you into Don Quixote.
Not that I disagree with what Weasel is doing. It's actually intelligent: Exploit lonely bitter internet women (huge population on the internet) and turn them into ad revenue.
He spends a few minutes saying some obvious things, tosses a few amusing phrases around, y'all flock like geese. Or hens, as the case may be.
Believe me, I only wish I had an idea half as good for running a blog on the side to make a little extra cash.
ANON 3:15
Taking pot shots at the woman who read Weasel’s well written satire, is thinly disguised jealousy. (Unfortunately you also reveal deep seated animosity toward women. Didn’t “mommy” love you enough?).
Writer, you need to learn some basics. Satire and parody are synonyms. CHOOSE ONE, not both or you become redundant (and cliché like lonely, fat, smelly, men with nothing better to do than troll).
Also, “ kind of turns you into Don Quixote” is passive voice. You should commit to your insults. Try: “turns you into”, though this would be bettered phrased if you said, “is akin to tilting at windmills.”
Delete actually. Exploit is the wrong word. What goes on here does not meet the definition of exploit. I suggest investing in a dictionary.
“Believe me, I only wish I had an idea half as good,”
Trust me, when I say, we believe you. What I’m going to say next is best illustrated by a this question. “If you wish in one and shit in the other, which one fills up first? (Hint: It’s the one you shat in.)
You’d go a lot further toward fulfilling your wish if you spent less time trolling.
Finally, writer, lets assume you are correct. That, we are a bunch of” lonely, bitter, internet woman” who gather like “geese,” or “chickens” to spend our free time reading some obvious “things” (though I’d argue not so obvious to the men, like yourself, who write them) and a few amusing phrases… So?
Anonymous said...
This is hilarious; you've been taken in by a scam that internet virgins use to obtain nudes of women and show just how shallow many of them are. Bravo.
Obtain nudes and show how shallow women are?....OK, people we have another Einstein here. This loser actually thinks he has a point and is making pertinent, intelligent, commentary. Someones been peeing in the gene pool again.
Anonymous said...
Whineoftheweek, maybe you're just trying too hard in your relationships much as you do in your comments, lol.
As for anyone wondering why the commentary itself loses potency once it comes to light that the ad is fake, well, attacking a piece of satiric parody as if it were seriously written work kind of turns you into Don Quixote.
Not that I disagree with what Weasel is doing. It's actually intelligent: Exploit lonely bitter internet women (huge population on the internet) and turn them into ad revenue.
He spends a few minutes saying some obvious things, tosses a few amusing phrases around, y'all flock like geese. Or hens, as the case may be.
Believe me, I only wish I had an idea half as good for running a blog on the side to make a little extra cash.
Oh, oh! Weasel's blog has hit too close to home for this guy. He actually believes that the only way women would object to this type of behavior is if there's something wrong with them. Oh dear, oh dear, and he has more pearls of wisdom. Men would only laugh at guys featured on this blog because they are trying to make money or get women.
Let me explain it slowly for you in hopes that you can understand what I'm saying. Men and women laugh at men like this all the time. They're the butt of jokes because they are losers and clueless. That's why this blog is a popular as it is. So, the sooner you stop attempting to defend your behavior the sooner you will move out of your parents basement and trade in your inflatable friend for real human.
You’d go a lot further toward fulfilling your wish if you spent less time trolling.
This guy has never left his parents basement or socialized in decades. If he stopped trolling he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
Weasel you have to feature troll post on your thread. The are as laughably stupid as the worst ads.
If Weasel will have me I may well stick around here for a while. I figured I'd make my posts and depart, but the enthusiasm with which you all continue to spew bile, the intense confusion you all have with regard to separation of author and character, and the hilariously smug sense of self-satisfaction you all seem to gain from hurling generic insults at a stranger makes this too entertaining a site to leave just yet.
Delusional ladies of your sort, while a cancer in the workplace, are pure comedy on the internet.
Look at yourselves: You're incapable of using anything but childish rhetoric. Put on your armchair (or is that hoverround?) psychologist hat: I'm insulting someone? I must be jealous. I mean if our moms said it to us in second grade, it has to be true.
But then, by your logic, Weasel must be jealous of me!
I guess it'd be a weak sort of projection if anything. If you only ever insult people from a jealous standpoint it'd be hard to imagine someone else doing it for any other reasons, so I don't really blame you all.
And BHM, my inflatable sheep has been a true friend in the most trying times. I am insulted you would insinuate he is holding me back in this basement.
Anon 3:15 wants to be a writer, but his tome: The Man who lived in his mother's basement and couldn't get a real woman, comedy 365,000 words has been rejected by hundreds of agents all female,contributing to his "issues" with woman. However, his mother's incessant hollering down the basement stairs, "I told you to leave the hoover alone," has effected his ability to get it up or work on his tome.
Sorry not right for us, will be written on his gravestone.
After stumbling upon WWHM Anon 3:15 realized what real writing looks like. people with good character trudge on, but having been graced with the genetic equivalent of bankruptcy, Aon 3:15 turned into a troll. This did not take much, he was already: fat, smelly, jobless, stupid, bald,living in his mothers basement and small.
So, the dial up had to go.
After arguing with his mother as to who would pay for faster internet, he agreed to leave the hoover alone. His mother also said the Chevy's tail pip is off limits, as well, leaving him with his hand and a blowup doll. Then, after using a terrible pickup line at a bar, "Hey there fatty, why don't you get off your ass and fuck me," he was assaulted by a pack of woman. He ended up in a body cast, and the judge, also a woman, dismissed his lawsuit. REJECTED again, he thought as he was wheeled out of the courthouse.
Alone in the basement, he yearns for attention, any attention. Call him stupid and he'll come back for more. Call him fat,and he wont call it a day. Try being more direct, as in, "Never call me again," he says, "By that, what do you mean?" Tell him you hate him, he calls you a cow, then shows up on your doorstep, expecting a date.
Never one to take "fuck off and die" as really meaning, "fuck off and die," pencil dick trolls on.
And BHM, my inflatable sheep has been a true friend in the most trying times. I am insulted you would insinuate he is holding me back in this basement.
I didn't know that they had inflatable sheep. But, your the expert in this area so I'm counting on you to fill us in.
Anonymous said...
...this too entertaining a site to leave just yet.
Oh great! Pig boy is going to stick around and bore us with more of his insight. After reading a line or two of any of his posts it is obviously apparent that he doesn't have the faintest clue. But, that's ok. We can stand back and watch him make a fool of himself.
Of course Peter's going to stick around! This may be the most attention a female has ever paid him in his life.
I'm actually disappointed the best you all have to offer are rehashes of the troll-as-loser stereotype. I think that lost effect a decade ago.
Now I'd like to explore this cognitive stumbling block that seems to have left you ladies in a tizzy: If you're determined to troll me, try trolling me, not the straw man of an imaginary basement dweller.
I already pointed it out once, but attacking an imaginary chauvinist just makes you all look increasingly silly. Weasel wants page views, and blogs thrive on controversy, so he's got rational motivation. What's fueling your barrage of semi-coherent platitudes, bhm? I strike a nerve?
It warms the cockels of my heart to see all the joy that personal ad has brought to all the feministas on this blog. I can't tell you how warm and fuzzy it made me feel to see you all slapping high fives and throwing up props to "weasel" for dissecting the ad in question. The sad irony is that the ad in question was written as a joke, a gag or a lark if you will and distributed around a forum to be posted online to ruffle the feathers and create and distribute the "lulz" provided by people that are.....well just like you. Kudos for getting sucked in!
You sound like somewhat of a cunt.
Are you a psychologist? Because you so accurately nailed that strapping man that I'm dying to mate with. Hold me back, would you?
P.S. To "Anonymous" who said they sounded like a "cunt".... SUCK IT BITCH!
That is all.
Carl, Peter, Daddy, Anon 9:45, anon 10:41 and anon 11:46 and several other anons are one person pretend to be many. He's trying to prove he has "friends" who support his opinion. He's also responsible for posting the add Weasel slammed.
Unfortunately, as it has been pointed out, he likes the attention, because its the only kind he can get. My friend dated a man like this once. Being mean won't make him go away. In fact he likes being treated like dirt.It's a fetish that arouses him. He jacks off while reading the insults. He won't leave until he can't get a rise out of anyone anymore. (rolls eyes and sighs) Ignore him and he'll go away, eventually. Insult him and thinks he's snagged pussy. Tell him, it's only his left hand, and he'll deny it.
"Delusional ladies of your sort, while a cancer in the workplace, are pure comedy on the internet."
Some has a lady boss who won't give him a raise for sitting around trolling blogs and writing personal ads all day.
I feel like I'm trapped in an episode of house.
Help! I can't handle any more amateur psychoanalysis! Your relentless torrent of incisive insight into my feeble mind is too much.
Of course I'm one guy, you silly conspiracy theorist. I don't need help pointing out the obvious to idiots and I certainly don't need any to enjoy your mindlessly antagonistic responses.
Anonymous said...
Of course Peter's going to stick around! This may be the most attention a female has ever paid him in his life.
You noticed that too.
Anonymous said...
You sound like somewhat of a cunt.
You got to do better than this if you expect a response. Go on give it a try!
The sad irony is that the ad in question was written as a joke
Back on that dead horse again. Been there done that so move on will ya.
Carl/Peter/Daddy said...
I'm actually disappointed the best you all have to offer are rehashes of the troll-as-loser stereotype. I think that lost effect a decade ago.
I already pointed it out once, but attacking an imaginary chauvinist just makes you all look increasingly silly. What's fueling your barrage of semi-coherent platitudes, bhm? I strike a nerve?
The troll-as-loser stereotype lost effect a decade ago? So, what are you saying? You seem to be saying that you've been called a basement-dwelling loser for a long time and decided to accept it over a decade ago. Interesting...
You seem to miss the point yet again. We are not referring to you as a troll-as-loser. We are referring to you as a misogynistic-basement-dwelling-loser. Two radically different concepts.
No nerves struck. I'm just looking for entertainment. So, far you you're mostly boring. Now, if you'd just put down the thesaurus as it gives your posts an undertone of someone struggling with multisyllabic words your posts would be a bit better.
Please, for the love of God, step away from the Thesaus! Put some effort into your posts and you may get there yet. I really need something interesting to read. So far, I'm being bored to death.
feministas...hmmm I think that says it all. I'll give you one feministas and raise you two femi-nazis.
Mmm, bitter, hateful soup...
The Beautiful Kind said...
Mmm, bitter, hateful soup...
Would you like a side order of puree of penis with that? Oh sorry! I it looks like you've already been served your puree.
Y'know, a lot of times, things that are "jokes" just aren't any fucking funny. Sorry fella, your ability to convey humor is nonexistant.
Yet another satisfying post, Weasel!
At least we won't have to worry about his genetic material getting out there in the populations.
Oh yeah, Maven sent me over to check this post out.
Why am I reminded of that scene in Say Anything where the boys are sitting around talking about how to pick up women and John Cusack points out that there are no women anywhere around, if they're such PUAs why aren't they hanging out with some girls?
"By choice, man, by choice".
NOT. Another one Maven sent.
That was hilarious. I hope he enjoys masturbating a whole lot.
Also: maven sent me.
Every man who has a successful relationship with a women knows you put the toilet seat down if you wish to live a long and productive life!
very good !
Go gay that will solve your problems with women period !
OH MY GOD I think that is my ex...not kidding. Sounds JUST like him...same name same attitude!
Oh the irony. A blog about "why women hate men" consisting of a bunch of man-hating women whining and complaining about the negative traits of SOME men. Yet now they're making fun of a man who's complaining about the negative traits of SOME women. Basically, they're poking fun at the male version of themselves. Look in the mirror children, the majority of the women commenting on this site are simply the female version of Peter.
Shouldn't you broads be out in the forest, logging? And discussing how nice you look in flannel with you inch long haircuts?
Yet funnily enough, when this ad is posted on CL, women THROW themselves at it begging for pictures.. go figure
I meet girls online all the time and I've used this ad several times before. It actually gets 10 times the responses than anything I've written before. And pretty much anything you write that you think women will like, they don't.
You'll never admit it but you all seem to just love abuse. Let the bashing begin. Muahahaha!
Females are immature, unstable, irrational, stupid idiots.
No-one cares what you think.
wow, now i know where some of the men on datehookup dot com come up with their forum topics
you have to check it out,
i thought every woman hating man was
the fights we have just about the toilet seat are freaking unreal
thank you and would you please help the REAL men on that site, understand women better...
cause i think you actually have a clue...
Women are fucking retards!!!
Men are better. White women especially suck, nasty fuckers.
OMG! i swear this is an ad i read off of craigslist. it has such a horrid, familiar ring to it. thank you so much for making fun of this asshat.
if this is the same ad then this guy is from the area i hail from... no wonder i don't have a bf...
i hate men...
OMG! i swear this is an ad i read on craigslist! If this is the same ad, of which i am 99% sure it is, this j/o is running around in my neck of the woods...
no wonder i don't have a bf!
thanks for making fun of this asshat!
Mermaids! LMAO Priceless.
Cool blog. ;) Just stumbled across is a couple days ago and am making my way through it and your PLFM blog. Very funny insights!
I found Peter's piece of satire brilliant and extremely hilarious! Your comments, on other hand, tried so hard to be funny, and failed. You have failed. You are a failure.
Women do this all the time, just watch:
Someone treat me like I deserves to be treated (LIKE A PRINCESS!)
Lets face the facts I am unemployed and I don't want to get a job making only 10 dollar an hour. I am a above average looking FEMALE with beutiful ASS looking for suger DADDY to spoil me rotten use my ASS and pay my way for a little while! Why waste a beutiful ASS? It now ready for you to use all the time!
Take me shopping, and a couple dollars gas money, and some going out money, and you get to play with my ASS anytime you want nostrings atached! Kinky and I will always satisfy you. I lwill look good on your arm and im a great in bed, and Im willing to do chores around the house. A WOMANxxx-xxx-xxxx cell
It seems like once someone drops the c word every woman looks for a flaw. I sifted through some of these comments and they have no relevant counter points and pretty much consist of "i'm not suprized your alone." but guess what ladies, even without his huge complaint and c bomb he would still probably be alone. I just wish that there was some way for you woman to see our perspective and walk a mile in our shoes, you would all be very disapointed to see how materialistic, two faced, and spoiled MOST (calm down sweatheart, i MIGHT not be talking about you) woman are. And how most of them will give you the runaround because they like attention from the opposite sex, not because you have a chance. All in all you will continue to get punked by the smooth talkers and then logon here to complain.
It seems like once someone drops the c word every woman looks for a flaw. I sifted through some of these comments and they have no relevant counter points and pretty much consist of "i'm not suprized your alone." but guess what ladies, even without his huge complaint and c bomb he would still probably be alone. I just wish that there was some way for you woman to see our perspective and walk a mile in our shoes, you would all be very disapointed to see how materialistic, two faced, and spoiled MOST (calm down sweatheart, i MIGHT not be talking about you) woman are. And how most of them won't give you the runaround because they like attention from the opposite sex, not because you have a chance....all in all you girls keep getting punked by the same smooth talkers and then log onto this site to complain.
It seems like once someone drops the c word every woman looks for a flaw. I sifted through some of these comments and they have no relevant counter points and pretty much consist of "i'm not suprized your alone." but guess what ladies, even without his huge complaint and c bomb he would still probably be alone. I just wish that there was some way for you woman to see our perspective and walk a mile in our shoes, you would all be very disapointed to see how materialistic, two faced, and spoiled MOST (calm down sweatheart, i MIGHT not be talking about you) woman are. And how most of them won't give you the runaround because they like attention from the opposite sex, not because you have a chance.
Like I always say. Tits or GTFO.
But in all reality, we all know vagina and those horses its attached to is way overrated anyway.
Sooooo...why don't we chill out, laugh about it and eat some ice cream??
ha seems like alot of women here can't stand the truth. anyobdy who calls them on their shit is a 'women hater'
Man weasel. You are a terrible writer. That whole bit about an urn of boiled turnips was just so awkward and ungainly. Awful.
It is truely disguisting what north american women have turned into. Really our fault as men for giving them too many rights without them earning these rights.
North american women in general are fat, stupid, ugly classless and very very average. They get fat and claim they are big boned, they are unhappy and its the fault of men. Never satisfied just bitching all the time calling there men stupid. These would be the men that usually pays for them houses them and wipes there ass.
I recently was in europe for 6 months. Goodlooking thin women with a brain well dressed and delightful. I was sitting in a bar in Prague and i looked at a czech guy and said I have not heard Big Beautiful Women and it makes me smile. He laughed and said our Czech women are beautiful thin and very sexual he expressed sympathy at what north america has to deal with. He told me when north american women go to prague they expect to be worshiped but he said we laugh at them because they are not even attractive and we laugh at there arrogance and stupidity.
It was nice in czech thin attractive young women not walking down the street in spandex or pajamas. Compared to north america fat ugly complaining about being sexual objects at 150 kilos and fat rolls all over them.
Solution three week repect camp in afganistan where your big mouth get a boot in it and your fat ass get a swift kick until it learns to pull its weight.
I recommend all guys tired of this crap to visit Prague or even Ukraine. Have some fun fuck beautiful young women.
No offense BBW now go stuff your fat cheeks with seal lard
You know, people always make comments when anything is predicted to prove in 2012, like “fairly that is if the faction is subdue here.” You do effectuate that the Mayans suggest the humanity will end on Dec. 21 (or 23rd)? So in all good chance if anything is affluent to encounter in 2012 there is solitary the slimmest feasibility that the everybody will take ended forward of it happens.
]doomsday 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012
All the hateful shit i read here but this really set me off.
"i dont bash gays on here."
love that, no, just normal run of the mill men.
Men are free for all. no feelings, no use, just walking pieces of meat using up our air. we should start a war so they can all go out and kill themselves. we can sit back and have a girls night out watching the bodies fall. Ain't that right ladies.
You all make me fucking sick.
And you weasel have named your self so perfectly.
"Show me you're not all the same." LOOK at the truth to that article, not the angry females mad that most/lots of men today in nympho America just lie to them to get a piece, yet find out the men don't even fucking like them afterwards.
When will too many women learn? And bullshit women like the TRUTH and honest guys.
Women hate truth. Women BECAME horrible, and this article by this guy was explaining it in detail, (a little bit - takes years to scratch every surface) yet these dingys don't get it. A man would have to be as "EVIL" (or stupid, or just desperate or just think of women as sex objects so don't really even CARE if they like like them or not.) as too many of these fucking idiot feminists to actually LIKE them.
Oh, and the dumbass that said something in the post title at top "actual internet personal ads on public dating boards by men who have no idea how to attract women."
I um, don't think that was the point? How stupid can you get? A REAL woman/women would actually CARE why SO many men anymore HATE their fucking guts. Then find out later, "you got played bitch!" "in the locker room all the guys did was laugh" 2-pac.
It's a new generation. I personally didn't in my real life KNOW that many guys who actually liked women. And several of these guys had no luck------> (lots didn't even care though, for whatever geeky guys i also knew. Women weren't even on their minds much)-----> to OK to SO SO to better yet luck with them. How could any sane man LIKE to many of today's women. I'm convinced men who have THE least ---->problem with today's easy women (and least bit problem lieing to them, rather than a REAL man telling them straight...and ta da..."keeping it real")--->just i dunno, nothing bothers them, and are like spaced out bimbos who don't care about anything.
I swear, I'm thinking guys who DON'T have much a problem with these bitches who DON'T even care why men do, are guys who ACT just like too many of these attitude stricken, useless fuck objects and just act like the "cool" babe in some bitch clique. American women have THE worse rep in the world, and you have nobody to blame but yourselves. Women acted more ADULT a couple hundred years ago. Now they/too many just act like spoiled bratty kids no SANE man or self respecting man (just a little clueless boy, lost at sea, could NOT have a problem with too many of these witches that SHOULD be burned at the stake. Men used to have the BALLS to do it, but too many anymore are weak and pathetic.)
But I'll admit, lots of guys like bitchy women for whatever reason. Want to fuck/rape the bitch out of her (or throw her down a flight of stairs) and i swear, like only THE nicest guys in the world COULDN'T have a problem with too many of today's skank object cunts. Until they DO....for being the nicest guys in the wolrd until they fucking snap and do the Canada genocide thing.
Beisdes, IF women knew anything, NORMAL guys naturally can't respect skanks, and being that Our newest World Wonder is Porn Machine PC, we lose more and more respect for each woman we see getting it up the ass, and sometimes i swear EVREY woman alive today has been in a porn, since the world is the internet, and i have NEVER seen the same chick twice, and a man walks around, and thinks...."damn. THE most innnocent i ever laid eyes on woman, i bet has a hefty cock count on that blow hole of her's.)
Nicole said...
"i dont bash gays on here."
love that, no, just normal run of the mill men.
Men are free for all. no feelings, no use, just walking pieces of meat using up our air. we should start a war so they can all go out and kill themselves. we can sit back and have a girls night out watching the bodies fall. Ain't that right ladies.
You all make me fucking sick.
And you weasel have named your self so perfectly."
I think i speak for the "ladies" when I say stfu. We know so many women share that mob mentality right and haven't an independent thought in the world? So, i speak for them. I am their NEW voice, and they hate you with me.
BTW, I'm "brave" as fuck for bullying you. So no this, "she's a woman" shit. Doesn't act like it.
More to a woman than having three cockholes positiond on their bodies, starting about CARING about what men God fuck say, both with what we like or don't like.
Little woman, I don't think you know what war is, could survive it, and i HOPE to fuck you don't even think there ever WAS a "battle of the sexes" and if there was NO woman would have won it, not from the first battle to the last - It was all political. Women had JACK to do with getting their rights. Sit back down nancy girl punkass.
BTW, bitch, why do you even care WHEN clued up men ----->(say, me for example, who spent YEARS looking for ALL the dirt on SO many of THE women - American, who have THE worse rep in the world, and manipulative and untrustworthy to the fullest?)---->
Why the fuck does your dumbass care who hates you? Afraid ya can't sink your teeth into a misinformed guy fed all the wrong shit about women, and drain every last bit of a life out of him with everything else you can exploit, for YOU being more crazy than even I am sounding right this moment? Hope ya know, men who HATE bitches, STILL don't typically have a hard time screwing you, all while hating you while they are doing it. So, what else do you want from men? Be glad you sex obsessed ------>(while often pretending ya aint, and just sneaky as all hell hiding under a pretense of innocence...most ya can do is file a FALSE rape report or some other bogus claim, and hide behind the bullshit TOO often still pro-cunt laws, as some "revenge" ploy for whatever a man does that pisses of you WEAK child people that little GIRLS on a prairie used to act more adult than the lot of you today, but atleast MEN are safe in cheating. Women? Ya cheat, ya lucky ya live to regret it. Or can walk away and climb up into a wheelchair, while a man maybe does a bit of time, or too smart to let it happen.) -------> while STILL saying it's typically men who are, whores get THAT much from a man. You, like so many REFUSE to suck less, so OBVIOUSLY you shouldn't care that NORMAL, clued up American men, fucking hate your guts right? Get right bitch. Don't want to hear our disatisfactions, than fuck you.
You are demoted to sex objects. Cuz the lot of you SURE as fuck aint people, anyway. Just got a tramp stamp and chill at the beach.
A bit more and I'll shut up.
Too many women are annoying, fake, conceded and partly to fully flakey and retarded. It is written.
And for THE love of fuck, if you bitches want to parade around as Goddesses only a fucking fag would worship, atleast BE like useful or something. Save me from some shit. Hand me over your money. Fix ALL my problems for me. Teach me how to be king of the world. Instruct me. Oh wait, I forgot, MAN is not to have ANY female role model at all, or else he is a fruitcake. So fogive some of us when we don't undertand a specific woman at ANY given period, cuz one, the more we do, the MORE we may wish we didn't, and two, the MORE man thinks of women, the less time he has to think about the MAN he wants to be, or which MAN to go to for advice.
And THE great thing today with too many of these kissass, lovey dove damn near fag men, STILL put women first in a country THEY don't fucking DESERVE it, pussified guys who always get screwed over anyway. - it's GREAT they can't stand a chance against guys who have EVERY good reason to despise your USELESS and impractical punkass, couldn't save the DAY if your life depended on it, ------>(or even create any havoc either - ONLY thing ya can do is press false charges, or hell, even real ones and hid behind the law, or the chump you may be blowing or manipulating, who hell, MAY even get scared when she woman jumps around with her hair on fire and giving him the evil eye, yet MAY snap out of being such a chump, at the first sign his dominatrix tells him to be "a man" and go do something to another, in which he's just a little momma's boy any other time, but snaps out of it to say, "hey, I'll TRY to be half a man" though I'll probably get pile drived anyway for hanging around you too much and becoming more weak with each passing day anyway.)--------->"Independent" my ass, too many of you suckass females,...well, these pussified momma's boys couldn't save you, like you PHONEY Xena bitches couldn't save you, when/should you get royaly fucked over, like the lot of you deserve.
And the last thing ya know, is ya hear fucking foot steps, and it's the last thing ya hear.
Don't get me wrong, this aint a threat, to you, personally (i know how easy women frighten) it's more of a threat against every American woman whom i have identified as sucking ass, who acts like you, and responds like you, cuz your brain just doesn't get it whore, and just throw gas on the fire...and atleast MEN can be scary - nobody the fuck is afraid of women except like the biggest pussy in the world. But there ARE crazy guys out there, who actually ACT on their "crazy" thoughts. I just spread the message.
Should be readable enough. Don't much give a shit at times. Not getting paid for this.
If you don't want to lift the toilet seat just do what I do. Piss all over it. hahaha
Hey that's a great ad. I think I'm actually gonna post it online and I guarantee some self-loathing woman will give it up to me.
Oh shit I got a better idea. I'll follow Weasel's example; if I make a website bashing my own gender, shit, I'll have hundreds of epussies following me around. Profit!
"The toilet seat thing is basic courtesy, if you're not man enough to flip the lid up, aim, and flip the lid down so that the bathroom looks presentable, I don't want to live with your slovenly ass. If it means sooo much to you to be able to walk in, whip your dick out, do what you want and leave without effort, you're not the sort of man I'd be interested in anyway- in bathroom, bedroom or the rest of my life."
I have yet to meet 1 woman in my life who leaves the toilet seat up. We leave it down for them, why can't they leave it up for us? Hey, equality right?
"ha seems like alot of women here can't stand the truth. anyobdy who calls them on their shit is a 'women hater'"
Too true. I mean, who REALLY hates women? NOBODY hates the BODY a woman comes in, it's the things they say and do. It's their backwards brains we hate, not the woman; her body, which is most of her, and what guys actually like. More body mass to a woman than any small brain mass in comparison to mens' brain mass (and women ONLY often do good on school for SO many reasons...not cuz they are the bomb dillio.)
And here's a funny thing, every time some dingy says something pretty much, it backfires in her face. Ever hear some slutty self- disrespecting whore mad when they hear the truth --->(cuz women often HATE truth, unless it's their version of it)--->, and hell some guys who ACT like they too belong in a bitch clique and you can't tell if they are straight or not and i HATE guys who act like bitches like that more than women who are bitches, but anyway, ever hear, "i bet he gets laid a lot" from some slutty chick? She's basically saying that's ALL women are good for. Seldom have i heard a woman say to a man who can't stand the lot of them, "Boy, i bet you aint gonna get married someday" (cuz WHAT man unless he is religious or naive even WANTS to get married in AMERICA?) or "boy, i bet you don't get female company much...ya know, have her around to SAY stuff to you." Nope, don't hear that one much, cuz women even know what men want...and that aint them. Everyone knows that's the biggest complaint men, EVEN today in "we aren't suppose to be sexist anymore america" have of women. Them TALKING, and expressing their bitch punkass selves.
Even misogonysts don't hate women entirely. Their bodies. We hate the things they say and DO.
Women are allowed to express their thoughts and opinions on men whenever and however they choose. But as soon as a man expresses his views about women, apparently he is a sexist pig... that's the sexism men are experiencing in today’s society.
My cousin’s wife (which he had 4 children with) was cheating on him for years. When he found out, she left him, and moved halfway down the country, taking the kids, taking him to court and getting as much as she can out of him. He earns $1040 a week after tax... $982 of which a court ordered him to pay every week to his ex-wife in child support and alimony. Another example of the sexist crap men deal with.
On the news about 6 months ago... A 23 year old man in Brisbane, Australia, had sex with a 15 year old girl at a party who claimed to be 19. He got 8 and a half years in prison, no parole for at least 4 years. No joke, about 2 weeks after he was sentenced, a 38 year old woman who had sex with two 13 year old boys in the shower at a party in Melbourne, Australia got a 2 month suspended sentence with no criminal record. Please tell me the justice there?
I’m a nice guy. While I might not be the most attractive guy out there, I look after my body, am quite lean and fit, but the amount of girls that won’t even give me the time of day is disgraceful. I’m not talking about drunk women in nightclubs, I’m talking about women anywhere, anytime. If any woman came up to me, I would talk to her for whatever reason she wanted to talk. If I approach some woman who doesn’t like the look of me, she will snub me instantly and walk away. Unless I have 8 figures in my bank account and a BMW convertible, 99% of women are not interested.
Believe it or not, Peter here has REALISTIC views on women. You aren’t going to get anywhere these days playing Mr Nice Guy. Women don’t want a nice guy. They don’t want a guy that’s going to shower them with love and affection. They want a guy with 6 pack abs and a large bank account. They don’t care that he’s going to be an a**hole, because he can be. She will stick around as long as she is getting material objects.
To point fingers at us and say we’re the bad sex is demoralising to the entire human race. It’s the women who are bringing a bad reputation to human beings.
While I admit that things used to swing the other way... men did used to have all the rights. Men used to treat women poorly... but you are talking about people like my great grandfather and further on. I believe in equal rights. I believe in equal pay for both sexes... but as soon as a woman doesn’t get something she stomps her feet and screams like a child until she gets it, and that has become beyond frustratingly annoying.
Women call themselves the “fairer sex”... They should be calling themselves the “selfish sex”. Because unless something is going to benefit them directly in a good way, they don’t give a sh*t about it. That’s why you barely see any women in roles like the police, the army, the fire brigade... because they don’t want to do a job that helps others... they only want to help themselves... And the ones that are in jobs like the police, only do that job because they like the authority they get.
If you hate men so much why don’t you stop using the inventions men gave you? Why don’t you sell your car and walk to work? You could take the train or ride a bike... wait... they’re men’s inventions too. Stay in the country you’re in now, because you can’t fly or float anywhere. Planes and boats are more male inventions. Take all the light bulbs out of your home... In fact turn your electricity off all together and remove 90% of all your appliances... oh wait, the whole house is another male invention! Better move out... Take your clothes off too and put on rags... clothes = another male invention.
What you girls seem to forget is that your life is easier with men around. We take 99% of all the hard labour jobs, we invent 99% of the appliances you take for granted every day. Take us and our inventions away and what are you left with? You’re back in the stone age.
I love the comments about "it was all a joke on CL." Sure it ws.
The last guy I read who wrote that it was "all a joke" on a message board "faked" his own death.
That was pretty funny too. Especially to all of his friends that he'd corresponded with over the last several years, none of whom will ever speak to him again.
I don't recollect any of my female friends faking their own death to get attention - which is all that these anonymous boys want because they don't get enough of it at home. So carry on "men."
And that's only the soft stuff. You are leaving out cheating bitches, women who flip out on their men, maybe even after marriage (oh sorry I wanna divorce, I just want more), or the woman who left a guy bleed to death after he got stabbed by trying to help her from an aggressor.
And chances are the crack would have helped her.
Complaining over little shit. We Women hate what Men do, and Men hate what us Women do. I guess it's okay to brag. Just don't get too racist here with us Sexy Women. We are all different and we all let our frustrations get to us.
Have a good day.
"There is no bull, so don't bring your shit."
I love reading these comments. Obvious inferiority must really get to women over time. When I want something I go and get it. Because I don’t have to piggy back on someone else to get it for me.
In a way, I feel bad for women though, since they have to resort to mind tricks and manipulation to get what they want.
See, women (especially young beautiful ones) are under the assumption that life caters to them simply based on physical beauty. Sure honey, maybe until you pass beyond the ideal breeding range, at which point you will be traded in for a younger model ;)
Consequently ladies of this post, when you're single, alone and surrounded by cats, you'll then realize that no man gives two shits about your wrinkled, festering body. A nice personality and appreciation for men might have saved you from this fate.
Please, don't retort with the typical feminist chatter about "would he say this about his own mother" or "a woman brought you into this world!"
Oddly enough, I don't hate women. Why would I waste such time? They are inferior creatures who lack reason and any sort of higher thinking.
Keep struggling for equal rights ladies, you won't get 'em.
Really you have done great job,There are may person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.I like this blog..
reading through a lot of posts i realize we all are imperfect. We try in life to find our soul mate who will love and respect us as a person and as a partner. sometimes we get it right and sometimes we do not. When we do not it hurts like mad and it takes time to heal (for some). And at the end we ask is it really worth is all all the emotion and pain and tears. The answer is yes ... we learn we grow and we keep on trying. cause when we are old and have our kids around us we see that happiness does not get better than this and we forget how we got there. we forget all the tears and pain. To walk your son or daughter down the ails and let them find there way in life is a blessing. it might not appeal to everyone but we have a chose to make in life we are meant to be together to share life with someone even if it is your best friend
I like Peter. The man's got some good sense. He puts all the logic cards on the table.
you women make me sick.a confused race you are.emotional wrecks,even the intellectuals don't know what the hell they want in general from man,they can't figure out what they want for themselves and when they do they grow weary and bored of it so quickly its like trying to keep a fucking child entertained.and the games they play oh the games,they don't have the guts to just say-i like you.i can't imagine how many happy couples could exist if gutless women actually started to approach the men they find attractive.answer me that!why is it set in stone that man is to approach women just so they can make themselves feel powerful by telling a young man to go fuck himself? the only power they really have is between their legs.
Wow, the vast majority of you commenters are just as emotionally stunted as the ad's writer. At least the ad came from an honest place (obviously the guy actually is hurt and angry), even if it was expressed badly.
After reading your comments it's clear that, ironically, you're justifying Peter's ideas. Maybe a more mature approach to this would be to explain to the Peters of the world how you want to be treated and what you won't put up with. You're not making anyone's lives better by simply complaining here.
But then again, if you were reasonable people you wouldn't be mindlessly spreading your hate without consideration or empathy for others' growing pains.
The funniest thing, now standing at over 162 comments, is how much attention you ridiculous women give this guy.
I understand Peter's frustrations. Women are not very easy to understand. It sucks but that's the way it is. My advice is just to be happy and forget about women right now. Do things you enjoy, write a novel, go mountain climbing. Just enjoy your life. Sex is really not that great anyway. The best sex I ever had was with my hand. There are far more interesting things in the world than women. Museums,movies, dining, travel, driving. The world is your oyster. If you can't find a decent woman just get a whore when you need sex, there are a dime a dozen and they don't ever give you shit. I forgot about women and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. I even became a millionaire and now all the women that dissed me in my life now all want a piece of me. But guess what? I turned them all down. Karma is a bitch! Now, I live overseas and am having the time of my life without women. Life is so good.
"Show me you’re not all the same"
Good article and straight to the point, but i suggest when online or RL dating, keep the truth at bay dammit. Places like this are ok cuz ya aint trying to get your willy wet. Women hate truth. Women much prefer being secretly loathed cuz standard open criticism isn't seen as worship, they can't handle it, that only goes to say, "now pay attention, this is HOW as a man i can possibly like you, and think of you less than a conquest...or cum dumpster," which later manifests into HATE once the bitches can't even stomach any self improvement criticism and just go on the defense like they are trying to be some macho stink tough guy, so again, ya, uh, like them slightly more than just for ass, so ya trying to tell them what sucks... and biology forcing it onto you that you still feel like you must be drawn to these ruined good contemporary things that society gave up caring to make better. If it's made in America, it usually sucks ass, but we're still suppose to support our cuntry's crappy female products?
"Show me you’re not all the same"
Good article and straight to the point, but i suggest when online or RL dating, keep the truth at bay dammit. Places like this are ok cuz ya aint trying to get your willy wet. Women hate truth. Women much prefer being secretly loathed cuz standard open criticism isn't seen as worship, they can't handle it, that only goes to say, "now pay attention, this is HOW as a man i can possibly like you, and think of you less than a conquest...or cum dumpster," which later manifests into HATE once the bitches can't even stomach any self improvement criticism and just go on the defense like they are trying to be some macho stink tough guy, so again, ya, uh, like them slightly more than just for ass, so ya trying to tell them what sucks... and biology forcing it onto you that you still feel like you must be drawn to these ruined good contemporary things that society gave up caring to make better. If it's made in America, it usually sucks ass, but we're still suppose to support our cuntry's crappy female products?
you are all failed abortions in my book. i can't wait for an apocalypse to wipe us all out....
Sorry but it's impossible for a woman to understand what it's like to belong the one half of the population that has no power over their own sexuality.
For a man to receive sex he must either a) go through a transformation into what the seduction community calls a PUA (read up on it) or b) simply wait until an opportunity comes along where the man gets to have sex with someone he probably doesn't like all that much but has to settle with in order to get any at all.
Most average-looking men will never have the chance of getting laid more than a couple of times in their lives since the female attraction compass points in a direction that is not inherently natural to men (or any normal human being for that matter).
Sex and intimacy is one of the most important things we all yearn for, but it's a privilege that is enjoyed at a whim by women and only at the mercy of women by men.
Before you decide to give guys like Peter shit for being frustrated about this excruciatingly unfair denial of access to something that is so inherently important to humans, at least try to imagine what it would be like to not be able to go into a club, a street, a library or wherever and having a 90% chance of sleeping with any person you wish.
But I guess it's easier to just point and laugh when you're the ones sitting with the upper hand, and I guess that's what women do in general. You know that it's hard for us to approach you, you know that chasing after girls is a humiliating process for us. Yet, you force us to do it.
No shit are we going to end up hating women!
You refuse to meet us half-way, you refuse to show any sympathy for those who fail at winning your hearts (and instead choose to laugh at them among your friends), you have no hearts, you are stone-cold and you're making the world just a little bit worse.
Kind regards,
All men.
Women are like sweaty balls. You don't really want them, but they just keep sticking the fuck around. Women got a weird funk no matter how you look at it. To illustrate yet again from the profoundness of my wrinkle sack...you can scrub them all you want but the putrid cheese comes back like Gorgonzola on hot pavement. Ok, maybe I have a hygiene problem but seriously vag smells like peanut butter and diaper powder....but I leave you with this profound thought. If you mix Sunny d with Sausage what do you get- ball cheese...see everything leads back to the cheese which eventually leads back to women. Whats the first thing a hot chick wants to make his man after some hot sex? Sausage and sunny d? Now what's the chances of that being linked back to ball cheese. It's the circle of sickness, and it all leads back to women.
The most recent comment was the most nonsensical and utterly hilarious thing I've ever read...
On to the issue at hand however, some people just suck, whether they be guys or girls. As a dude, I completely understand Peter's frustration. As a person, I completely understand the taken offense. To put another spin on things though, I think his post was heavily sarcastic, and meant to grab a laugh more so than an actual date. I was a little surprised to see such upheaval.
And CONGRATS on this ridiculously long commenting stream!
"Things Guys With Girlfriends Say" Funny, yet also very TRUE!
Very helpful info, much thanks for your post.
That reminds me of a date, long ago, with a complete dickhead. I get in the car and he compliments me on my perfume, I say thanks, he says, "Why are you saying thanks, you weren't involved in the production of it, you merely chose it, in fact I can only compliment your taste in choosing it."
flabbergasted, I said, "Um, it was a gift."
"So you didn't even choose it out yourself."
He had the same lecturing thing going on. It always seems to affect the mid-20's pick up artist types. VOM.
I ended up in a 4 year relationship with that man... Ugh.
These are about some of the dumbest comments I have read in my life... proves that 95% percent of the world's population like anonymous are just plain dumb... and that they deserve to breed with the dumb bitches they describe so that natural selection can take care of itself and eventually wipe out this genetic waste. Anonymous.. your mother must have been a really nasty person.
Anyone that singles out and continuously posts condescending comments on half of the world's population must have a serious inferiority complex..if you have not realized that YOUR image of what a man IS and YOUR image of what a woman is .. is a product created by mass media and consumerism for you to buy certain products and for HER to buy certain products and actually alienate the sexes... as you seem to have a great talent doing.... if you do not recognize that you are brainwashed.. I do not know a single female that displays the traits you have described... then you are seriously dumb or you must have a really small peepee as well.
Anyone calling men on shit or women on shit is just plain stupid and brainwashed... we ARE people foremost.. the fact that we are so DEFINED by our sexes.. is exactly what mass media wants and what makes people so blindingly stupid... try looking at people as humans first and then whether they are male and female...only then will we be actually civilized.. until then we are just a bunch of dogs/bitches sniffing each others tails, asses and balls
but just keep breeding and overpopulating with females and males... let the hormones take over.. that way the world will be totally overpopulated with 50 million people by 2060 or before... all the better... the dumbest people like you will go first.... can you not see that the exact things you are criticizing is exactly what nature wants.... program= overpopulate planet with humans with disproportionate sex drives and emphasis on male/ female issues with low iqs so that they basically kill each other off when all is unsustainable.... Earth certainly does not want to deal with us.. so nature has us on an oversexed, polarized (male/ female exagerrated perceived differences) mission to reproduce so that we eliminate ourselves.... keep going, keep condescending, keep the ridiculous chimp thoughts going... all part of the program, right on track!
I think this ad was made solely to piss women off, It is extremely successful, look how angry this weasel person got lol. all that bullshit for what? All u did was validate him by responding, silly women.If you realy want to piss off a misogynist ignore them and act decent.
I think this ad was made solely to piss women off, It is extremely successful, look how angry this weasel person got lol. all that bullshit for what? All u did was validate him by responding, silly women.If you realy want to piss off a misogynist ignore them and act decent.
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