Man, I suck at cooking.
One minute I'm slicing garden-fresh tomatoes, and the next minute I'm covered in Saran Wrap and violently stimulating my taint with a ribbed and cock-headed walking cane.
This recipe sucks!
But you're not here for my cooking skills are you folks?
No, you're here to peruse the worst men's personal ads on the internet, because that's what we do here at WWHM Headquarters.
I'm The Weasel, your fearless leader into the world of shady men with the social skills of a retarded seahorse.
What do I ask from you? All I ask is that you become part of the growing WWHM community! So send in any personal ads you come across that make you want to heave partially-digested graham crackers onto your cat, as well as any other ideas you might find interesting for WWHM. This includes douchebags, assholes, vanity website shitbags, and any other stupid things that men do so this man can properly analyze them for you.
That's my fucking job!
Wanna taste? Let's do the posts.........
(Editors Note: Hey readers, please be aware I post personal ads verbatim, including improper word usage, poor spelling etc. Please don't email me to point out errors in the ads.)
wtf? why would someone do that to themselves..? the thoughts in the male species head will never stop baffling me.
Um, I'm not really sure what's going on in this pic, but it made me simultaneously laugh out loud and become a little sick to my stomach. Weas, that's some mad skill right there! lol
THANK YOU WEASEL!!!! My day is complete now!!
In this pic I kept fixating on the fact that the plastic is over the guys nose... won't he soon turn purple (his face that is) and just pass out? lolol
Most guys could think of a better way to smother themselves... like you know, in between a set of large breasts, but hey... this guy likes the Saran...
I have a feeling that this particular use of Saranwrap makes it unfit for recycling.
I wish he'd wrapped his head/face a bit tighter. I am referring to the head on top of his neck that has a nose and nostrils, not the "head" this tool finds most important. Eligibility for the Darwin Award is nothing to be taken lightly.
Welcome back fearless leader! My PMS will be healed!
OMG! And they were just talking about a guy this morning on the radio who was found dead- naked, with a condom on his head and several cans of 'laughing gas' lying nearby.
I was apparently some sort of sexual fettish he was carrying out?
Could you imagine being the medic that has to come save this dumb ass's life when he passes out?
I wonder if the Saran wrap can cut off circulation to his dick and cause it to fall off? One can wish right?
I feel like a drug addict who just got their fix! Thanks Weas! God I hope this doesnt show up on the drug testing they do at work! eeeeekkkkk
Is that photo from a real personal ad?
Not from an actual personal ad. I find these weird pics all over the internet- and you guys send a lot of them to me as well.
I like to use them for "openers", where I'm not actually showing an ad, but just some stupid commentary, like I did here.
If you guys see any bizarre pics like these, send 'em to me!
Must back-titrate with cute overload...
Weas, next time, kitties please... or fawns... or puppites, butterflies... SOMETHING DAMN IT!
Yay! Weasel's back!
You should know you've inspired me to blog about my own dating misadventures, if they ever start. I'll keep you updated if I get any doozies you can use for fodder
Do you think someone helped him with that or did he do it to himself?
I'm waiting for, like, his boss to see that. Or his mom.
Oh, finally you're back! And I love how in most of these little opening commentaries things that you slip in the fact that you are, in fact, a man. People still think you're a woman??
okay is it me or does this dudes penis look like a rolling pin??? it doesn't look real to me. Maybe I'm just fixated with the size of things, but come on. Or maybe he wrapped the plastic wrap too tight around the old sack and crack!!!
LOL Maybe next time he should make sure a plastic bag is tied over his head. Imagine being the person that finds him. Would he go out with a smile on his face? Would he die with his finger (or whatever) still in his anus?
*shudders* I so don't want to cook that plastic-wrapped sausage in the freezer for dinner now.
I will never understand the people who need photographic proof of their freaky flag. We all have them. Some big, some small. But why in the world would you broadcast it on the internet?
Weasie...gotta say...that is the grossest thing I've seen here. Congrats. I'm not sure how it tops the guy in a corset violating a tailpipe. But in my mind, it's a total trump.
Thanks Weasel for finding the daily dose of stupidity...now to head to your counterpart's to get a more even spread...
Love the reminders just because you're from the human gene pool doesn't automatically grant you intelligence!
That can't be his real willy. The color doesn't look like it goes with the rest of him and It looks so.......fake. Can't tell if that's because he wrapped it in plastic or not.
Hi, first-time poster. Love the site, I read it every day.
That is wrong on soooooo many levels...
I saw this in a porno once...last time the guy appeared on the screen he was hopping down the road all wrapped in plastic...cept his face and little general...
Weasel - One minute I'm slicing garden-fresh tomatoes, and the next minute I'm covered in Saran Wrap and violently stimulating my taint with a ribbed and cock-headed walking cane.
This recipe sucks!
OMG thanks alot weasel!! You about killed me with that one I was laughing so hard I started choking!! But yes I have to agree that recipe sucks!! LOL
Hi. I discovered your blog last week and it has been making me laugh (and smack my forehead in despair) ever since. Thanks for the fantastic commentary!
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