cock delivery
want some cock? dont want to leave the comforts of your own bed? couch? kitchen table? well then hit me up and I can bring my hard cock over : )
Dominoes Pizza is proud to present the new Cock Pizza.
Only available late night after the bars close, the pizza comes topped with drunk fraternity brothers, cheap Raider helmets, Rastafari boxers from MTV Spring Break 2006, and a fucking shitload of cheese.
But like everything from Dominoes, it ends up leaving a bad taste in your mouth, drops it's sauce all over your bedsheets, and you end up throwing it out 5 minutes after it comes.
"cock" comes in his Domino's delivery truck and gets jiggy with a bottle of cheap scotch....hands off girls, he's mine!
Gee what a big romantic...I think I will give this cock a miss :)
Just had to take a dig a raider nation didn't you? You son of a bitch!
Is there any way to transplant a BRAIN into that cute body. And get him in some adult underoos? Geezus.
Nice to see you at least had the decency to swirl the faces of his latest conquests, even if he did not before posting his pic for the ad.
If they are family shots- they Must be proud. Or not so much...
Oh, yeah. Family shots.
There go any hopes I might have had that younger generation might actually be more enlightened.
What was I thinking??
well I was actually contemplating Dominoe's pizza tonight....hmmmmm think I will pass...
Jason said...
Just had to take a dig a raider nation didn't you? You son of a bitch!
You've got to be joking right Jason? I mean the idiot has a helmet with a Raiders emblem. Besides... Raider nation? WTF?
The only thing worse than men that sit around watching other men compete are men who act like idiots when they perceive that their team is being trashed.
Then they make up pet names for themselves as devotees of a team.... oooOOOooohh! Sign me up for that infantile type of male.
I wonder what Pizza Hut delivers??? But to give this one some credit at least he covered his goods up and wasn't flying them high either.
hmmm...that bod covered in tomato sauce...
oops did I type that out loud?!
Sorry, got distracted...
Yeah!...what you said!! Yeah!!
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