So on the weekends, I like to lighten things up a little. I like to wear something billowy, fun and girlish, and this polyester man blouse does just the trick.
Hello Saturday! Hello Man-Blouse!
I'll throw it on, and take a little adventure out into a field of wildflowers, take a seat under a droopy willow and dip my quill feather pen in ink and scribe sonnets on parchment paper.
Often a sparrow will land on my shoulder, and we’ll giggle and tell secrets.
One time, we wrote a poem about a unicorn.
Other times, I will fill my old wood cart with fresh snow peas and market them in a quaint village.
I’ll chat with the townsfolk about the potato crop, how the chimney is going up at the old schoolhouse, and whether or not Mrs. Adams, the village bicycle, is still passing that horrible strain of gonorrhea around like spinach cake at a Pilgrim Thanksgiving.
And when the sun begins to set, I’ll head back into the city, where people at restaurants scream at me for more bread.
Well the clothes are awful, but apart from the cyclists the men are GORGEOUS!lol
Dude, that blouse was in style in... 1985? Or possibly even 1598.
Love the matador-esque ruffles. Nothing says macho quite like ruffles.
OMG...no seinfeld reference...this was surely the shirt featured in the low-talker episode. However Weasel, you carry it off much better than Jerry. With those eyes you could swashbuckle my heart, whadyasay Erol Flynn?
I love you Fabio!
With this blouse, the pirate fantasy sex cannot be far behind (unless the lady involved can't stop laughing long enough to take her clothes off--and uncontrollable laughter is a real possibility when faced with man ruffles.)
LOL... I thought Seinfeld immediately too.
"I don't waaaaaant to wear the puffffyyyy shiiiiiiiiirt!"
Looking at this guy makes me want to snap my fingers and yell, "Garçon!"
Oh, Wesley! Please let me hear you whisper the words "As you wish" deep into my ear, just one more time? I beg of you.
But I don't wanna be a pirate....
Holy Seinfeld flashback, Batman!
Seriously, even I don't wear ruffles and I'm a girl. Blech!
But I don't wanna be a piiirrraaattteeee!
"can you spare some change for an old buccaneer?"
The look on this guy's face cracks me up somehow.
The other models are attempting the pouty "Come hither fair maiden/someone just took a shit and it stinks" look while this guy has that hopeful, "Don't I look cute enough to kiss or what??" grin.
Comedy gold.
I think he looks more like 'I can't believe I've sunk so low as a model to be caught dead in this'. Him wringing his hands really compleets the image.
hmm...Looks like an arrogant prince from a disney movie. Or someone trying to be Fabio. With long hair, he might have the same effect as Fabio (the effect that "I can't Believe it's not Butter" hopes will drive people out to by a product that has NOTHING to do with pretty canals in Italy, Fabio, or anything but your toast)
Oh Weas....
Why must you make me wake the neighbors with howls of laughter?
Shame on you! And your cartload of peas should be ashamed as well!
How many times have I told you NOT to play in Mommy's closet?
Careful Fugs, a statement like that and the offender may be waiting and hoping for a spanking.
$500 cash up front and he can have one. With the price of hay, I'm strongly considering a new career as a dominatrix. If only I could figure out how NOT to laugh...
Waalaa- a new career born for you! Whips and chains available at the local tack shop as well as an assortment of leather gear...
Chaps, half chaps, bits, bridles and assorted leather strap goods...
I doubt I could keep a straight face either. :-( At least not long enough worthy of collecting payment.
Wear a mask with a snarl sewn on it. Then you could be stifling giggles behind there and as long as you didn't blow out an adnoid you could still be grinning lol.
nosnikta- I'm not sure if even that would work. A deep belly laugh has other more visible and audible signs than just the face.
I find it difficult at best sometimes, at work controlling everything my boss can see of me from his desk, while I am hysterically dying laughing on the inside while reading the two blogs.
Fugly inhaling a Dorito chip after reading one of my posts on the 'Seeking Hairy Snack' blog had me about falling out of my chair. The visuals alone can be priceless...
It's the return of Duran Duran!Nick Rhodes loved those ruffles LOL
When I saw this guy I immediately thought of the prince from The Little Mermaid (but with more ruffles.)
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