Will Trade Laptop for a Date -m4w-32
I'm looking to trade a brand new laptop for a date. I'm not able to host, sorry. Me: 30,white,blue eyes,5'9",175,d&d free and easy going. Dell D620/ 1GB RAM/ 60GB HDD/ DVD/cd burner/ Wireless networking/ Windows XP - New and still sealed in the box, unopened. Attach a pic to your reply, will do the same.
I'd like to thank everybody I sent this mock-up of a blog to over the past couple days. The response was overwhelmingly positive, so I'm going to keep it up.
By the way, a lot of people I sent this to asked me "Are those ads for real?"
Just like the ad above, I assure you they are all absolutely 100% real. I did not make them up.
There actually is a guy out there posting a personal ad seeking to exchange an unopened laptop computer for a date. (Although, because I took a Crime Scene Investigation class last spring, I can deduce it has indeed been opened considering he included a picture of the laptop, opened, on his desk.)
Is this what dating has come to? Should I follow conventional wisdom and ask for a date in lieu of whatever I find in my garage?
"WM seeks female. Will trade hot dinner date for a sack of frozen sausages, a wedge of Muenster cheese from last Christmas, and some lawn darts."
My point of this blog isn't simply to be cruel to people. By posting these ads, they are being cruel to themselves. I just sort of heap it on.
The point is to show just how absolutely clueless men can be in their attempts to attract female companionship. It reflects poorly on all of us single men out there who at least have a modicum of respect for women and how to make ourselves attractive to them.
And let me assure you I don't think I am any better than any of them. Like most guys, I'm shy, weaselly, and timid foot-shuffler, that when placed in front of a woman I'm attracted to, I immediately start to stutter, spit, and make an ass out of myself. Don't let that tie fool you.
I may get a few posts up this weekend, but they'll be back in force next week. And if you see a really bad ad, send it to me at weaselworden@yahoo.com. And please, if you don't know me and came across this blog, send me an email anyway and let me know what you think.
First up for your hot dating options next week? LARPing. With beaver pelts.
The line starts here right here ladies. I suggest you get in it.