Seeking to be any woman's 'Toy' this week
Looking for discretion, companionship and maybe some sex this week? Let me be your 'toyboy'. I will not force anyone to have sex. Maybe you just need an afternoon 'lick' during your lunch break for some pleasure and stress relief! I have some pics of all of me shown here. I don't have many standards just a horny lady . Send your 70 year old grandma, wife now! Hoping you'll squeeze my ass soon when we meet.
“Toyboy” feels open about his sexuality. Unheeded by our cultural mores, he proudly displays his 39 year-old body, peacocked in an unequivocal effort to bestow his masculinity upon all female comers. His arched back beckons females forth, exposing forth his genitals and expressing his carnal desires symbolically. Proud we should be as males, hereby witnessing a man so forthcoming with his prowess, his intent, and his lack of self-conciousness, his small white tennis socks symbolic of his remote connection with the true world which views nudity and sexuality as crude and animalistic.
How do I clean vomit out of my keyboard?
Thank God he's not going to "force anyone to have sex with him." What a relief! Ummm...seriously not sure about the socks....unfortunately silence of the lambs comes to mind. I hope I'm wrong!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who cringed at the socks. gah. buck-ass-nekkid except for socks is NOT sexy. ever.
Peacocked! Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Still the questions arise... who is taking these hideously insane photos & what person in their right mind believes they should be posted on the net for the whole world to see?
Surely, they know good and well that someone, somewhere is going to make fun of it. LOL!
When a guy says "I will not force anyone to have sex", I immediately read that as "I will not force anyone to have sex... until I've tried begging, wheedling, threatening, and bribery. THEN I will force you."
I feel like I have said the phrase "Get your goddamn socks off and a condom on" one too many times.
If you want to get laid, when you take the rest of your clothes off, don't leave your dorky white socks on. Also, don't post pictures like this on a personal ad. Either cause me to fail to suppress the desire to laugh at his penis.
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