r u a sucker 4 luv.............................. -
If money were no object, what is the one thing that would be most important to you to do?
If you could ask me one question, what would that be?
If money were no object, I'd probably start by having you pay some of those past-due bills your grandma crammed into that plastic fruit basket you have on your desk.
You know what happens when you don't pay your bills?
Your "Tasty Norwegian Jellies of the Month" club membership expires. You could only imagine the horror.
If I could ask you one question what would I ask?
I would ask you why your wearing a red frying pan on your head.
I'm pretty sure I went to school with this guy. I recognize the hat and the attitude. We called him 'Casanova'. He introduced himself with his name, the fact that he loves sports, and loooooves women. Good to see that he's still single.
That red frying pan looks like a Le Creuset to me. I'd like to whack him over the head with it.
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