Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lawnmower Boy

doing your chores for sex !*! 19 year old stud ! compleat satisfaction garanteed

read the post im doing all your chores around the house and your getting fucked that easy no strings attached :)

Because nothing screams complete female sexual satisfaction like a fat, awkward 19 year-old boy who begs you to mow your lawn for some ass.


Cut-N-Jump said...

Oh baby, oh baby, ohhhhhhh.

Love the blog!

sassysmom said...

Wow he has breasts thats ever so sexy in a guy.

Ponytales1976 said...

This blog kicks ass!!!! I could have really shown you some funny shit when I was dating a few years ago and ventured onto some "dating" websites.

Cut-N-Jump said...

Can I post a few of my ex's? They certainly qualify too. They need something with a shoulder to cry on...

Ned the Wino
Mr. (Ir)Responsibility
I thought it was more than a Booty Call???
I Rate my Dates
Lacking Motivation

sassysmom said...

Seriously considering giving Lawnmower boy a call.
I have a giant list of things that need to be done before my new renters can move in and I have no time to do them . The list is so long and full of physically exhausting things that lawnmower boy will be too tired to have sex. You know the same excuse women use sometimes (with good reason)
Looking at his picture I am guessing he is not physically fit enough to tie his shoes or velcro them closed without needing a good long break and a Goo Goo Cluster.

Walk On said...

I like the fact he calls himself a "stud".

In my barn, he'd be a gelding. ;)

*Amber* aka Suzy SINsation said...

LOL @ walk on's comment!

satisfaction guaranteed? or what - he'll give you back your self-respect?

to weasel: welcome to the fugly crowd. ;)

sassysmom said...

CNJ- You forgot a couple
1. Needs Meds
2. On Meds but needs stronger dose
3. Has a weird connection to Mama as in lives in basement
4. White wife beater shirt with stains is his "going out shirt"

Ok the ad says he wont steal your panties and wear them but I am pretty sure that is my grandma's shirt - WTF???

Walk On said...


Oooh..tough requirements there, he only wants women who can breathe. Well, at least necrophilia isn't his thing.

And read his "deal breakers", it includes "lairs". Who the hell has he been going with anyway, Batgirl?

And I don't know 'bout my grandma's shirt, but that IS her hairstyle!

ariemay said...

I'd put out for someone to clean my horse's sheath.

Oh, and muck the stall.


anniebanannie said...

This blog is so very accurate that it's scarey!

You will have more hits on this blog than anyone who likes to be spanked, now that Fugly Horse of the Day groupies have found it.

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I can hardly see now, thank you. The mascara has run into my eyes and hurts like hell.

Love the blog and find it hysterical.

Keep it up!

Redsmom said...

I need lawnmower boy('s phsycially fit and more capable father or older brother) - I too have seriously overdue chores that I would gladly trade sex for. Anybody remember the guy who would trade hay for looking at your breasts? Where is he now? LOL.

Cut-N-Jump said...

Redsmom- I am betting flash the boobies guy ran away screaming "GOD Lady cover those up!" after a few of us showed up.

In my current state, he could have said worse had I shown up!

Merridyn said...

HOORAY! FHOTD has at last found somebody out there with a mind like all of us weirdos. Doesn't look like anyone hear is going to get their knickers in a knot over our no-holds-barred snarkiness. No horsedopia types to call us meanies. No fugly stallion owners threatening to sue Fugly. And what is this about a guy who traded hay for seeing tits?! What state do you guys live in?