We'd like to welcome all our newcomers from Facebook, LiveJournal, Ravelry.com, the Sydney Morning Herald and the E! Channel. Please note WWHM is NSFW, and deals with a mature subject matter in an immature manner. If you can laugh at human sexuality, you've found a great resource.
If you can't, please visit this wonderfully insightful page about penguins. Not only are they cute, but they taste wonderful on toast.
And remember, always wash your hands after reading WWHM.
Have a great weekend people! - The Weasel.
Is it a bad sign that I was afraid to click on the penguin link for fear that I might see a page of old man penis or swirls of anal hair on apple green man taint?
Look what you've done to me, Weas. Your evil plan is working. How's that pie chart coming?
I was prepared for some crazy fluffy penguin site. I was shocked when it was wikipedia!
Ah, the pie chart!lol
Hey, for you sickos hoping to see the kitten post today, I have to admit I'm backing out of it.
It was just so disgusting that I literally couldn't find anything funny about it- it was just brutal, and it kind of brings town the tone of WWHM so much that it shocks any humor out of the rest of the posts.
I'll find a make-up post soon.
No! Thank goodness you didn't post that.
In the last month, I've quit smoking after 18 years, and broke up with my boyfriend with whom I've spent most of the last 11.
I watched three girlfriends who've smoked as long as me all quit fairly recently. It just occured to me after three weeks of not smoking, after I was strangely a social retard at a party for my best friends' 1-year old this last Sat., that I'm in the middle of what I witnessed lasted about 2 months for all three of them. It can best be described that each of them was basically like a bipolar amnesiac with ADHD going through menopause but on day 30 of her last period. I've got another month to go at least where I cannot be held responsible for the shit that comes out of my mouth. What little filter I had has gone completely out the window. Couple that with the fact that apparently any sense of humor I had was entirely fueled by nicotine and orgasms because I seem to have misplaced my funny the last month or so too. My sarcasm is broken. I hate that. By the way, nicotine and orgasms is a great name for a band.
Kittens required or no...
keep em coming.
I am still hoping for a link to a site about a cold and frightened sea horse. I feel a certain fondness and sympathy for the visual image that always comes to me when I think of that simile, and want to comfort and cuddle it!
Seahorse reference
You got it right here.
That site is far more disturbing than anything on WWHM. I love the 6000 paypal links for "spiritual readings." I really do need some beanie babies, to get ripped off and a couple of glass animals though. Apparently Lin communicates with the dead as well as pets. ::rolls eyes::
ok I have to ask (yes I know this is stupid).. NSFW??? I'm missing something here, what is this?
NSFW means "not safe for work".
Meaning your boss not appreciate it if he walked up behind you to find a penis on your monitor.
Thanks weasel
I have to confess that I didn't know what NSFW meant either, but I was too cowardly to ask... lol.
I am slowly becoming brainwashed of all but WWHM. All I think about all day is the wit of the weasel. Damn... must... resist... weasel...
I love the penguins, but I love the kitty cats more, weasel. Yes, I'm sick and twisted but dammit!
Wow, didn't think I'd ever say that.
I just picked up a jug of bleach for my eyes and it sits beside my computer. Please, as much as I hate it, I love it too. Show us the nasties, we like the nasties.
Yeah, I think we all love Weasel. I know that finding new posts on his blog are the high point of a day!!
I had to go look at the penguins.
Gross, water_bearer... apple green man taint? Didn't we have that already?
"Taint"... what a word. "Taint"
LMAO WEAS! You made my day!
Spooey soap :-) gonna rub it ALL over me uh huh, uh huh.
Oh, for--that soap dispenser is just nasty. I hope that's in the men's room. Great way to encourage handwashing. Yahoo.
nosnikta, I LOL'd! Taint touching me!! And I'm sure some taints ARE tainted! Ewww!
I can't understand why the sight of a man's arm using that special dispenser is bugging me! Maybe because I expect to see something like that in the ladies' room? Like the one at the Magic Castle.
(Although my own definitely female body has arms that hairy....)
Yes, Weasel has some true lady friends here! And I'm teaching hubby to enjoy this blog merely by having the page open when he is nearby. Aww, sharing! So, many thanks, Weas!
Weasel, thanks for the link to the seahorse *hyperventilates - Weasel responded personally to my post!*
It is an adorable seahorse.
Wait, does something smell fishy in here?
Weasel my darling... The only man in my life...
does this frighten you a touch?
Yes, nosnikta - we HAVE in fact been subjected to hairy, apple green man taint. This is why I had to pause before the penguins. You never know what's going to pop up on here.
And Fhtrkstr101, from that article:
Craigslist recently began requiring advertisers to submit a working phone number before posting listings to the erotic services section. The phone-verification requirement cut the number of ads by 80 percent, and with the new agreement, Craigslist will begin charging a fee for listings to that section, which will entail a credit-card validation.
That's a good thing I suppose. However, an 80% drop in WWHM fodder might bite into the pickings a bit. Weasel will have to cull from other sources and depend on submitted ads from us readers more than ever. Somehow though, my faith in men's stupidity heartens me to believe we won't see too much of a dent in new posts.
Oh... and I've seen a soap dispenser like that before. To me, the most disturbing thing about it is the size of the penis. Now, relative to the actual man whose picture it is, it's fine. But to see a penis the size of a Good n Plenty spooge on your hand... that's just wrong.
Personally, these two items although just as degrading (if any men ever cared about being belittled like this), are a tad more my style:
light switch plates - http://femailcreations.com/products/sku-68501.html
and - http://femailcreations.com/products/sku-78614.html
lamp - http://femailcreations.com/products/sku-142306.html
which is cute, but not as cute as the copper one it replaced that you can't find anymore - http://www.flickr.com/photos/zenmama/889216265/
or... for those of you who, like me, recently broke up with someone:
Weasel, you have the honor of being the first to cause me to inhale granola bar up into my nose. That dispenser picture.... LOL! I thought "surely no.... YES!"
I'm so grossed out and entertained at the same time.
OK. Shows you how observant I am. That's a man's hand getting the soap out of that dispenser. "Gay Only" bathroom, or... what????
That shouldn't affect WWHM. I hope!
I dunno about the soap dispenser. I want to wash my hands just looking at it. Wash them with bleach or something.
Hang in there Water_bearer. I quit smoking in 1991. I never had much of a sense of humour or a gift for sarcasm. I kept the orgasms. Although I do miss my smokes once in a while
Where in the hell do I get a dispenser like that? That is hilarious!
I can see the looks on the faces of Grandma's & Grandpa when asked to use the hand sanitizer and aimed towards that. My mom is such a prudish beast, she would surely be offended!
Maybe one for the shower for shampoo or conditioner. Or how about body wash, since guys are always trying to sell us on their jiz being good for our skin...
I went into the ladies bathroom today during my testing break, and the soap dispenser puffed out the foamed stuff. I nearly slapped it into my mouth to keep me from laughing out like a banshee.
Thanks havocec. Here's the way I look at it - I'll be having less orgasms that make me want to smoke anyway. So it should be easy.
Hey... nice to see you cutnjump. Getting any sleep? :) That's a joke. Sorry. Hope all is well.
Water bearer
I wasnt implying that is was a bad thing overall. Frankly, its probably a GREAT thing... but In terms of fodder for WWHM, its a terrible thing.
Fhtrkstr101 said...
Water bearer
I wasnt implying that is was a bad thing overall. Frankly, its probably a GREAT thing... but In terms of fodder for WWHM, its a terrible thing.
I'm saying the same thing. :)
I saw a soap despenser like that in Manchester's Canal street once! :D
Wow.. I thought the soap dispenser was hilarious.. that was until I realized it was a GUY'S hand underneath it..
Hi from Ravelry!
You are awesome and in my bookmarks and..I think that's all. Ok bye :)
I have the man penis lamp and also the penis light switch. Lovin' the soap dispenser!!!!!!!!!
I don't care if it is NSFW, I'm addicted. I'd rather be fired than have to stop reading WWHM!!!
Hello from Ravelry back! The Lazy, Stupid & Godless group are big fans!!
OMG, I want that soap dispenser in my bathroom! Perfect for bachelorettes (and gay men) everywhere! LMAO!
Where in the hell do I get a dispenser like that? That is hilarious!
I can see the looks on the faces of Grandma's & Grandpa when asked to use the hand sanitizer and aimed towards that. My mom is such a prudish beast, she would surely be offended!
Maybe one for the shower for shampoo or conditioner. Or how about body wash, since guys are always trying to sell us on their jiz being good for our skin...
BAAAHAAA, CNJ, you do have a point there...maybe they'd make great Christmas gifts to special friends and family members! It'd be even better if you had to stroke the little nozzle to make the soap spurt out.
Still, for soap...jus 'taint right...
Gosh, there's a great deal of helpful data in this post!
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