If you thought finding a fly in your soup was bad, imagine a waiter unzipping his fly just above your soup to complete the dish.
“Excuse me miss,” the waiter might inquire, “but it really might help me if you briefly address me as your “dirty whore of a waiter."
Paul Photenhauer offers us his unique perspective on dietary protein enrichment in his new book Natural Harvest: A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes. “Like fine wines and cheeses," he says, "the taste of semen is complex and dynamic.” Perhaps one might describe semen this way when surrounded by fine linens and a string quartet, but most women are more familiar with the type of semen ingested in the back seat of a '84 Jetta. Bleachy and acidic, it tastes more like something they might use to buff an aluminum kettle.
Mr. Photenhauer argues that semen is simply an acquired taste. "Some tend to dismiss semen as food and describe it as bitter or salty. This is similar to a person who tastes wine for the first time and says it tastes sour." Oh whatever, you big uppity cum snob. Last time I checked, women dismissed semen as a food source because it shot piping hot out of a penis and smelled like something you'd find on your shoe after a 7 hour aquarium tour. A topping for flan? It's supposed to evolve into an infant. Do you sprinkle babies on your lasagne?
Most recipes call for fresh semen, but some recipes such as the Creamy Cum Crepes require copious amounts of ejaculate to attain that finely nuanced jizz flavor we all appreciate from childhood. Since the taste quickly deteriorates, Mr. Photenhauer suggests freezing several days worth of semen in the refrigerator. WWHM concurs, but suggests you store them opposite the ice cubes. There's nothing worse than catching your grandmother sipping a Crown on the rocks only to proclaim "This tastes like my goddamn honeymoon."
Natural Harvest contains 60 full pages of semen recipes, most of which are stuck together like the pages of a 1984 Penthouse at an all-boys summer church camp. The straight edition comes with a centerfold of Rachel Ray nude, and the gay edition comes with a centerfold featuring a beautiful sectional couch surrounded by several lovely New Hampshire antiques. And Rachel Ray nude.
While the website boasts the book measures 9" by 7", it arrived measuring only 5" by 3". The postman apologized and said "it was really, really cold outside."
If you'd like to see the actual book and read some hilarious commentary, please visit here.
If you'd like to peruse the first 20 pages, including recipes and a lovely photograph of spermed oysters, please click here.
Please link to the National Harvest Cookbook through WWHM to help spread the word, and we'll be back tomorrow to present you with more pathetic WWHM personal ads!
i'm sorry weasel...you know i love you but...is this some kind of sick joke?
It's real. Very, very real.
My husband has preached the benefits of sperm for years. Now there is a book that states that. Dammit.
I kind of wondered whether this was one of those internet hoaxes, but the first 20 pages are available online, including a set very high quality pictures.
You can also run the purchase option all the way through.
We'll see.
For true entertainment value read the comments on Amazon.
It's been removed from Amazon- if you can find it, please post the link in here.
Why?! And don't most chefs taste test their recipes? I should learn not to read this before breakfast...
I actually had to stop flipping through the first 20 pages. My gag reflex was kicking in.
That is just disgusting. So,So wrong.
Is this for real? I dont even want to go near the stuff let lone eat it!!! I wonder how he found out he liked the taste? And what on earth made him think putting it on food would be a good idea???!
I wish you could see the look I feel on my face.
I don't have to go to the book to set off my gag reflex.
Next, I'm going to make a cookbook with recipes out of my menstrual blood. I mean, how much grosser can you get than this!? Ew.
Oh god, I just threw up.
Cooking with Cum. Wow. Reminds me of all that PETA bullshit CutNJump was talking about-the human breast milk Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Apparently the idea came along because a Swiss chef/restaurant owner was using human breast milk (he pays the women for their "goods") instead of cow's milk in his recipes. Delicious.
I coughed up some coffee at the dedication page: "A special thanks to those of you who helped me with the recipes and TASTE TESTS. You know who you are."
This reminds me of a joke.
How do you know that God is not a woman?
If God were a woman, semen would taste like chocolate.
Other then that, next potluck I go to, I'm only eating what I bring just in case.
I can't believe some of the comments on the link. The one who ordered the pig semen needs to come to work with me and have a 30 day headcheck.
OMG this is hysterical!! And the comments on lulu.... *coffee running out nose* (at least it's coffee)
Glad ur back, Weasel, we missed you! Thanks for the recipes!
Oh man. Theres been some gross stuff on here and I've handled it, but those cum filled oyster shells just about did me in. That is just revolting!! :P
OK, the only time I want to take a load is before mine leaves my body. If I'm done, keep that shit away from me. I already feel the the dry heaves coming (get it?), I'm not sure I could look at the book.
You're commentary, especially the postman delivery took away the sickness. Praise you, O Great Weaselly One.
PS: still hilarious!...but also so revolting lol
Great idea! That is, if you're looking to eat less and lose weight! But then again, how different is it from eating Rocky Mt. oysters.
I'd rather starve. Or eat bugs.
I just had this conversation with myself;
"No WAY!"
AND I checked the date. God, I hope that's NOT real.
No. Thank. You. Please tell me this guy was really high when he came up with the idea. It's the only way I can accept that this book came exist - most guys I've talked to have tasted their own cum and they definitely didn't think it was something to top a flan with or bake into a creme brulee.
Holy crap. I threw up.
I don't think there's any amount of seasoning or even chocolate that could make me even consider it.
And I just threw up again.
I swear on my ability to ride/be around horses - The cum oysters really did make me almost throw up. Like the gag reflex and "hurk" noise were in full effect, and I still feel a little queasy.... fucking disgusting. Every time I think about the oysters, my stomach roils in highly unpleasant ways.
The Lulu comments were downright hysterical though.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. And flan used to be one of my favorite desserts. Now it has been forever tainted. Literally
Hi Weasel,just want to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I love your sense of humor! I live in northern Canada, where long cold winters reign supreme. A daily, hearty laugh after reading WWHM puts the whole day in perspective!
You're the best!
Wtf?! Eeeew!
Oh God, help me, that is so damn sick!! You know there are just some things that need not be eaten recreationally, let alone have a damn recipe book for it. I think I may die of barfness.
I've been a long time lurker on this blog, but today I figured there was a need for me to comment today!
I still cannot believe this. I even went to snopes.com to see if it was listed. It wasn't...so I'm just going to go ahead and puke right here.
Can you imagine if someone had an STD and decided to make food for everyone? *shudders*
I'm with you Hyena. I'm not going to eat anything not made by myself.
"A topping for flan? It's supposed to evolve into an infant. Do you sprinkle babies on your lasagne?"
Literally made me LOL!
My bad, it was lulu.com I saw it at, not Amazon.
just when you think you've heard it all.
will be back later to read the whole thing... clients await!
Ok, Ive now had a look at the pages..
"While writing this cookbook, the authors found that extended genital stimulation will almost always increase the amount of semen ejaculated"
I can just picture how that went on... Must be one hell of a one-hand typist..
Thank you for this wonderful weight loss tool!!!!
My tummy now hurts like Rod Stewart's.
I am rarely struck dumb. I'm as close as I've ever come, right at this moment.
I'm also very, very nauseated. Those "cum oysters" were just totally beyond disgusting.
I can't imagine why ANYONE would want to cook with spooge. Ever.
Maybe, as someone else suggested, I'll start making recipes with menstrual blood. Especially those huge clots we women get on our heaviest days.
Weasel, you've put up some vomit inducing things before, but this one is truly horrific beyond words.
How revolting. Excellent post though.
If you'll excuse me I need to go vomit.
I can't even bring myself to go look, and I'm generally squick-proof.
Hey, what could cum add to the flavor & texture of oysters ANYWAY!!??!?!?!?
I'm with you, cattypex.
Raw oysters are just snot on the half shell anyway, in my opinion!
Oh, god. I have a very strong stomach (I rarely need the kittens!) and I'm very close to puking now. Great post, though!
I thought the testicle cookbook was bad ...
I am utterly speechless. And that doesn't happen very often.
that's sick and hysterical!
well done!
"Do not use soap [to clean the oyster shells] since the shell easily absorbs the nasty taste of soap."
Yeah...don't do THAT...that would be...nasty.
I posted about this on my site half a week ago.
Wow.... can that seriously be real? Ickkk.
Oh, but "newbie semen cookers" can ejaculate right into a hot frying pan to make mini-omelettes! What a "perfect introductory recipe"!
I don't normally need the kittens, but honestly reading this crap makes me want to hurl. Where do you find this stuff Weasel?
*is NEVEREVEREVER showing this to fiance...*
I'm pulling pieces of tangerine outta my nose after the tasting like honeymoon comment. Whoo, what a Christmas eggnog story THAT would be!
On the plus side, maybe we'll get more men who are better cooks.
Wait, with this training though, maybe that's a really bad thing...
Bad Fish, so whatta you want? A cookie?
You're obviously feeling indignant that NOBODY knows who you are, or anything about your blog.
Make sure the cookie you get isn't made by your SO or a male friend, though.......
Where the hell are our puppies/kittens/ducklings?!? OMFG that was disgusting! The author's comment that some cooks like "ejaculating directing into the pan" EWWWWW!!!
Thanks for all the comments guys- I knew this one was going to be gross and didn't know how it would play.
Thanks to the readers who forwarded this book to me! But please don't forward the actual book to me.
Wow - and to think, I was grossed out by "The Testicle Cookbook: Cooking With Balls" (yes, really!)
But this is much, much worse.
My diet started. Thanks!
@SassyBrunette: I bet you drink cow's milk don't you? In which case, I fully expect you to post a comment about how delicious racoon-spunk is.
Christ. I can't even stand the stuff running down my legs and this is like a whole wiggly metric fuckton of WTF???!!!??
Also, I will never eat Flan again. Or crepes. Or oysters. Or....
Thanks so much for your blog, btw. It is a GREAT piece of work.
Hey Crevette,
Thank you for the links, I get a lot of hits from your LiveJournal!
Thank you for spreading the love!
LOL!! Well hell lets make our own cookbook....cooking with puke. First read cookbook- cooking with cum...second get out pan
but most women are more familiar with the type of semen ingested in the back seat of a '84 Jetta
LOL ingenious joke.
This is just soooo wrong in sooo many ways!!!
I wonder if he actually sold any of those books!!!
I can confirm directly that he sold at least one of these books through WWHM.
A friend just bought one as a gag gift.
Where's my commission?
I don't even dare go to the book link ...I know I will vomit for sure if I do...That book is so fucking disgusting, I have no words for it.
What's next hey, perhaps I should bring out a book with shit or piss recipes in it.
Lemonade with fresh "lemonade" in it and choc cake with fresh "Chocolate" in it too :)
Best. Post. Ever.
I'm a manager of a college bookstore, and I'm really REALLY tempted to order this and put it in the cooking section, just to see the reactions of my customers... on film, since the security camera catches that section well.
I was gross out by this, but was feeling adventurous, so decided to try to peruse those first 20 pictures. I got to the cum oysters and the full on gag reflex hit - that lovely vomit-suppressing "hwuck" noise and all.
Good god Weasel. I have a strong stomach and I am gagging even just recollecting those images. Where do your readers find this stuff???
>Oh man. Theres been some gross stuff on here and I've handled it, but those cum filled oyster shells just about did me in. That is just revolting!!
I agree. I just about tossed my cookies on that one. I don't think I will ever eat seafood again!
>>Best. Post. Ever.<<
I'm gonna agree. You can't possibly top this one. This is THE WEIRDEST EVER.
However, I will say it is not the sickest thing ever. The sickest thing ever is those people who cook and eat the placenta from having a baby. I mean, at least semen is something that, admittedly, most women and some men do normally swallow...just normally in the raw form, LOL. But PLACENTA?
Seriously. Tom Cruise did it. To me that's like cannibalism. Blech.
My readers are dirty, dirty people. I've been sent worse.
You heard it here first from Fugs.
Tom Cruise ate a placenta.
"this tastes like my honeymoon!"
"Gag gift" is right.
About the placenta thing.... I do know someone who ate hers, said it tasted like she'd imagine raw liver tasted like.
Apparently animals and... some.... people eat it because it restores iron.
So I guess that I can see the point, IF YOU'RE THE MOM.
Goddammit, I was gonna go see Valkyrie. Now whenever I see Tom Cruise I'll be all like "AFTERBIRTH MUNCHER!!!!!!!"
I thought it weird enough when Eric Estrada carried his son's umbilical cord in a little leather pouch round his neck.....
blargh, the oysters, oh god the oysters!
why is no one mentioning the HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE drink in the 20 page preview? it was likewise HIDEOUS.
This is sooo... GAY!
Weasel, this has got to be your most commented on post so far. Congratulations!!
I mean it! No.
Damn, is this the ONLY way to get straight guys to cook?
Other than that- this was posted on another board so I've already had my share of hurking and ralphing.
Why...why...WHY?? Who the HELL came up with this idea for a jizz cook book?
I feel sinful for eating that toffee so I may have to check out the drink people are mentioning. This book better not have jacked up *snort* a pina colada...
Still waiting for anonymous to rub their "two IQ points together." That could take a while...lol.
I still won't swallow!
Oh, weasel, I love how you test our squick factor.
The comments on Lulu are awesome:
"I bought it and tried the spoon-n-toss cookies as a surprise for my wife. She gobbled one up really quickly but I just can't get her to swallow them. On the bright side, she said she was willing to try another batch next weekend."
*rolls on floor laughing*
That is...
Damn it, Fugs beat me to it but I was going to remind everyone of the placenta-eating crowd.
I saw this on a documentary years ago. The one that struck me the most was the woman who saved it in her freezer for a couple months for the party she had with friends. She made pate' out of it. Served it on crackers and on little pieces of toast. Offered it to her guests. Some tried it. Just like Cattypex said, I remember a man saying, "Tastes like liver."
I'm willing to bet that somewhere someone eats afterbirth pate served on toast with a side of mentrual blood soup (oh believe it) and cum oysters (my new favorite insult), and has a cupcake for dessert topped with little smegma sprinkles. There's a subculture for just about everything. Mmmm. Dig in kids!
P.S. Weasel - Thank you for posting this AFTER Thanksgiving.
I am NOT linking to that book, nor am I going to line that guy's pocket by buying a copy. If I happen to get one as a gag gift, I will deliberately puke all over the shoes of the guilty party. I'll never be able to eat food at a party again without wondering "Did someone jack off into this before it was cooked?"
a) eew eew gross eew
b) I'm a graphic designer and I gotta say this guy needs some design help, in addition to his obvious need for psychiatric attention
i usually lurk too, but i gotta say this. the other blogs i RSS to all talk about politics and oh-the-recession-oh-woe, and i thought, PLEASE don't let this blog talk about the economy. well, i wasn't disappointed
First time poster here...
Raunchy is what I have to say.
This is just so gross, worse yet in the comments section of the blog that book is on, someone mentioned serving the flan to neighbors and them not guessing what the zest is.
I'm never going to eat something from the neighbors again.
redwards, I don't think the majority of us even MADE it to page 20... I sureinhell didn't even touch the link!
Finally got through all the comments! OMG GROSS!!!! I really REALLY don't get this one. Why?! What possessed him to even think that this might be a legitimate cooking craze!
I have a very strong stomach, but somethings just don't work.
Guys- it's real, but it's a real joke book. The writing is tongue-in-cheek (so to speak) and even the author's name is silly.
Love the comments on Lulu. And the one or two that didn't get it and are like: "What's wrong with you people???" Ha ha ha.
ha ha ha! And I just read to the part where he encourages people to ejaculate into a frying pan filled with hot oil. That should go over well with the more adventurous idiots :)
Anon- I haven't made up my mind about this yet, but I tend to agree with you. It is a joke dressed up as serious and made back into a joke. Like a literary version of an Andy Kaufman schtick.
Either way, if it's a joke my hat goes off to him because it's swarming around the internet. If it's not, well, enjoy your sperm crepes.
Either way, he'll sell a lot of Christmas gag gifts. (No pun intended). I've had two readers tell me they were going to buy it.
ha ha Real or not... it's definitely pushing the envelope ; )
...........and it's icky either way.
Though kind of funny.
>>I saw this on a documentary years ago. The one that struck me the most was the woman who saved it in her freezer for a couple months for the party she had with friends. She made pate' out of it. Served it on crackers and on little pieces of toast. <<
Clearly we saw the SAME documentary and were traumatized for life by it! I remember that scene!
Well looky what's on Cakewrecks today--"fetal bites"--fetus-shaped cookie cutters. Yay. That'll go well for dessert after the placenta appetizer and the spuzz crepes.
I finally looked at the damn book. I could have lived without the photos.
The reviews were just as sickening.
this is the ultimate xmas "gag" gift!
Four words: that is f***** disgusting. Weas, you're great.
Aw HELL no!! WTF, seriously? That has got to be the worst thing I've ever seen XP
Okay.... I thought everyone was joking when they said they vomited. I saw the second recipe photo and had to exit out because I was gagging.
Fuckin' A. Jesus Christ on a Stick.
I have never posted here before, but this was hilarious. The comments at Lulu were funny as hell.
When I was reading all this I could not help but remember the first time a guy unloaded it into my mouth. I literally spat it across the room and started choking violently. I thought I would faint and my stomach started to cramp up and I began to heave nonstop. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks load tastes like rancid milk.
Raw oysters are actually quite scrumptious. Their taste reminds me of rainwater. They are even better with lemon juice. Oysters and load could not be more different. Trust me on this one people. The book has got to be a joke. Don't let this mother ruin oysters for you.
I have never ever tasted anything that can even compare with load. A friend of mine compared it to battery acid. Porn star and registered nurse, Nina Hartly says load is alkaline. Aren't you happy you know that? If you ever think you need battery acid ....
The idea of a guy jacking off into a hot frying pan has made my day. My winter depression is gone.
The person who made the comment about no longer having to purchase mayonaise. That was funny as fuck.
omg...wtf...What?!? I reread the post 4 times. Seriously 4 times. I am just kind of sick. Oh my goodness. OMG WTF....Thats all I have to say..
Fucking grosssssssss Weasel!
Fucking grosssssssss Weasel!
The more I think about this whole thing, the more I think there should be a better way to "harvest' semen. You know, it gets "contaminated" going through the same tube as urine. Perhaps some sort of direct harvest would decrease the possibility of contamination.
Like let's say a 16 gauge needle into the seminiferous tubules or the vas deferens... with no anesthesia, of course, because chemicals ruin the purity of taste.
Only a man would write a book like this and try to tell you semen is yummy.
"Only a man would write a book like this and try to tell you semen is yummy."
HAHAHAHAHAHA I remember reading The Joy of Sex and the author being all serious about how semen is good for the skin, like lotion. Ewwwww. It smells funky... like those nasty ornamental pear trees when they bloom.
Heh, that book also asserted that women love horses because they experience orgasms while riding, esp. when jumping. Um. Not so much.....
Oh, and that women (never says anything about MEN....) shouldn't wear deoderant or anti perspirant because ... well, I dunno why, but duuuude... you haven't LIVED until you've ridden in a van full of Amish on a hot day.
That book said some silly things.
I love you Weasel, but holy christ on toast!
A semen cookbook? Somehow I don't quite think it is something to be found on a naval ship. Think of all the free meals and concocktions they could serve up.
And yes, ALL puns intended of course. I now you expect nothing less from me.
No REAL man should tell you semen is yummy!!!!!!
Unless they are GAY!!!!!! lmao
YUCK lol
I have NOTHING against gays btw
amanda said...
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. And flan used to be one of my favorite desserts. Now it has been forever tainted. Literally
Forgive me if someone else already said this, but don't give the poor sot any ideas for 'taint' recipes. Eeeeew! Just Eeeeew!
CnJ... you are the funniest person who ever walked. Except maybe for JR or Weas....
Diane said...
I'm a manager of a college bookstore, and I'm really REALLY tempted to order this and put it in the cooking section, just to see the reactions of my customers... on film, since the security camera catches that section well.
Priceless YouTube moments for sure!
I was refraining from using the "taint" word...but CnJ, you crack me up*LOL*
Cattypex- Why thank you! I had a friend/boyfriend in the Navy for his 4 year stint. Oh the stories he would tell.
And for all those talking of menstual blood soup...
Damn it! Had I known a few weeks ago I could have been 'harvesting' all along. I guess the maternity ward would be a good supplier of food for fodder, so to speak. *Eyeroll*
I gotta go look at the book now. And go through my emails looking for the "Blowjob Revenge" drink mixture. It just seams fitting here today.
I swing through every day or two to see if there's a new failure of a man to read about, & every time I swing through and see that flan, I almost throw up.
Every fucking time.
How, my friend, do you find these things?
Julian Meteor said...
No REAL man should tell you semen is yummy!!!!!!
Unless they are GAY!!!!!! lmao
YUCK lol
I have NOTHING against gays btw
Gay men like the taste of semen about as much as women do.
Cattypex Im Screwed! I used to jump when I was a kid but now I ride dressage... so much for those extra orgasms!
Well I can say with certainty I have never had an orgasm riding a horse. Ive been scared shitless, Ive been full of pride, Ive gone airborne... and then did a horrible landing in the dirt... but an orgasm... Nope.. not yet!
An orgasm while riding?? Seriously??
Man, I can't believe I've been missing out all these years. Clearly, my jumping technique is all wrong.
I know the book is real, but I'm wondering if the entire idea isn't just one huge joke. You know, Chef Sven gets drunk one night with his friends and they dare him to see how many people he can get to eat sperm?
I don't even know. Wow.
And Weasel, you're hilarious. Never stop.
Porn lied. I always thought that those women loved fresh semen on their faces because it was good for their skin. Now I know it should be a staple of the healthy diet - NOT.
Joke or not, this is a whole new level of sick that I didn't need to know about.
If this is the what you were reluctant to post Weasel, I can understand why. But thankyou for warning us - I'm taking my own seafood to Christmas lunch this year!
OK I should have remembered this but it happened ages ago.
Back when I was living in my home town in NZ some freak was employed by KFC and he was adding his own secret flavour into the coleslaw. OOOOOhhhh yuk! I ate there, but not much as I'm not into grease running down my face, but I swear I can't eat the coleslaw from KFC even now as I just dunno If I got any of his nasties! (small town, we knew who he was)
Just because I know everyone will laugh their asses off-
We went to KFC last night for what we call a bucket of fuck it. As in fuck it- neither of us are cooking tonight.
We bought the meal with the four sides. Two of which were coleslaw. I can't stand the shit and refer to it as cold-slop as it should only be fed to pigs.
How much y'all wanna bet, if I showed this to Johnie Rotten, he would NEVER, EVER touch cold slop again? And I mean EVER! LOL!
semen based recipes [ No Rating ] 28 Nov 2008
by wayne watkins
what a good idea. I freeze mine and feed the iceblocks to my japanese girlfriend and presto no more pimples....great side benefit
[ 1 response ]
Re: semen based recipes [ No Rating ] 1 Dec 2008
by Matt H
I guess the biggest thing about this semen thing is that it's a natural food source right? I've been conjuring up some poo for awhile and I'm thinking of making a recipie book for the corn and peanuts I pick out of my crap... Sound good to anyone? After all it's "natural" lol...
OMG I just couldn't quit laughing or crying over Matt H response!! Picking out the corn and peanut chunks....still lmao
i just threw up a little bit - *shudders*
I'm reading this weeks later and am having serious trouble wrapping my head around the concept of cum as food. It's almost like a form of cannibalism. I read the "author's" (this word is in quotation marks because in my book he is nothing more than a hack and an idiot)intro and was appalled that he would equate eating HUMAN semen to eating/drinking COW milk!!!! hmmmm lemme think for a second how many bulls or cows have I (or anyone else for that matter) seen drinking nut juice from other bulls, yes I know NONE he's a sick S.O.B. and needs to be investigated he could be the next Hannibal Lecter for all we know.
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Wow. Really, wow. Y'know, after I read Fight Club, I literally refused to eat out because I was so paranoid about what people would do to the food. Then, just when I think it's safe to go back, this guy pops up...*sigh* thank God for ramen noodles.
archellebaker- I was thinking the same thing!! Maybe I'll call it "Cooking with your Vagina: A Selection of Recipes Involving Menstrual Blood"! Can't be any more disgusting than this book.
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