Interesting male seeks interesting female-I am 19 please be under 21
I'm a very interesting man who is very active in the LARP, video game and fantasy communities. I would like to perhaps meet a woman who shares these interests, so I guess you could say I'm looking for a nerdy girl lol. just like me.
If you don't know what LARP stands for, it stands for "Live-Action Role Playing".
Men active in the LARPing community generally like to dress up in chainmail, hang out in forests, have arguments in Olde English dialect, and pretty much anything else they can think of that will ensure they will never have sexual contact with a woman, unless of course she's also wearing a deer head, or has a pair of dead river beavers draped over her shoulders.
It is not known whether grown men shouting things like "Aye, fair ol' maiden of The Fields, let me release thine Pure Breasts betwixt me trousers for some finest of fornifications" causes the direct, complete, and horrendous neglect of the male genitalia, or whether it is the abundance of pungent squirrel innards ensconced in the beards of such men screaming these phrases.
(Ed Note: Thx to my friend Tim, a LARPer who encouraged this entry. We kid, we kid. Love LARPers.)
You know.. its funny...
Ive ALWAYS made fun of larpers, but the recent ex was one (learned this after i started seeing him) Mind you he is a very attractive young fellow, so It blew me away that he played.. I became second to the computer, so he advised I join so we could *talk more often*
So.. Yes.. Laugh it Up., I joined the infamous WoW, and still get the funny messages from playeres like.. Are u a girl... Yes... Are you pretty.. Well no one at the last gang bang complained...
Then.. silence...
Its fun to harass the lil fellas. I know im too hot to be there, but it fills the free time, much like your blog LOL
i guess that's what they call a shebola
I actually don't mind the LARPers, at least some of them actually try to act like knights.
I used to hang out with SCA people just so I could be called "My Lady".
I can get used to that sort of treatment. Yeah, the running around wapping each other with sticks is kinda silly, but hey, beats the crap outa some potbellied boozehound sitting on the couch day in and day out watching ball games. (Like the father on "Married With Children?)
As a bonus, these guys tend to be fitter - on average - than the usual working class Joe. There are exceptions, but you do up your odds of finding a guy w/ more muscle than you have if you hang out w/ guys who like to wear 75 pound chain mail shirts.
Ah, this makes me recall my early teen years and spending time with a few of these guys. Granted my early teens were only a few years ago. Alas, these boys can get a little too into it. Actually MAKING their own chainmail, going to *every* Ren Fest within a five state radius and whatever time might be left over is spent playing video games or polishing swords and replicas. Gosh some got so nervous around girls, their lack of skill in social situations was so apparent. Much like a giant flashing neon sign above their heads reading "Women: Stay Away!"
Despite all of this, they were quite respectful and an interesting change of pace compared to other sorts!
Sorry, the only SCA and LARP's I have come across smelled so bad from 'living the fantasy' complete with lack of bathing and hygene care, it was nauseating to be within any range of them and their prolific body odor.
Haha. Atleast he has a theme.
My "LARP" friends dont have like a theme and their weapons are camp pads, PVC pipe, duct tape and sharpie. They wear their finest black clothing to the battles and have sects.
Several of the girls I knew in college were LARPers. In fact, the group on our campus was a little female-heavy. If he's lucky he'll find some like that.
The only thing I can fault with this ad is that the picture of the guy isn't terribly attractive...but in comparison to the majority of old, squalid, obese photos on this blog, young, outdoors, and slightly chubby looks almost hot.
Actually, I would be suspicious of this guy only because in my experience LARPers all fuck like bunnies. If he can't get himself invited back to somebody's tent, what must be wrong with him?
"Are you pretty.. Well no one at the last gang bang complained..."
Well played.
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