You know, we just started really marketing this blog about 10 days ago, and in the past 24 hours we've had over 25,000 hits here at WWHM Headquarters. Although our Atari servers have been bogged down, we'd like to thank you all for the visits and the hundreds of emails sent in.
And yes, if you're female, that owl is staring at your breasts.
Most of the great emails I've gotten have come from your places of employment, and in the spirit of further disrupting the economy, new posts will be up Monday by the time you get to work.
Have a great weekend, and if you laugh at this blog at all, you owe me a personal email at weaselworden@yahoo.com.
The Weasel
I haven't emailed yet, but do you have a similar blog about the numerous female whack job psycho's out there?
I bet there are many airing everything in hopes of snaring Mr. Right instead of Mr. Right Now...
Oh and could you please lose the word verification. It gets annoying as hell!
Didn't even realize it was on.
Thanks cutnjump.
Just wanted to say that your blog brings quite a smile to my face. Keep up the good work!!!
Well done. I have been laughing my friggin ass off all day reading.
Keep up the good work!
Why do I have to email you? Can't you just pick up the blog comments somehow.
I laughed and laughed until I almost peed my pants.
Not emailing but this works, and yeah, you can thank the fuglyhorseoftheday blogger for the added traffic, she pointed you out ot all of us, and no we will harass/haunt your message boards as well :P
Whats worse then a bunch of bad personal ads? A bunch o horse crazy women looking for a rich ole cowboy.. so beware :p
Quite possibly the greatest thing I have ever read. I love it. All of it. makes me glad Im gay really. Haha.
You should thank the fuglyhorseoftheday blog for posting about your site, that may be where the 25k came from. :)
Funniest site I've seen in a while. Your writing is great, and spot on. I also found your site yesterday from a link on fuglyhorseoftheday. Then I forwarded it to about 3 dozen friends of mine. Most of the women replied back how they too, were peeing in their pants laughing so hard. Keep up the good work!
Well, you were discovered by a chick running the fuglyhorseoftheday blog. She talks about horses and horse training exactly how you talk about these bozos and their adds.
Her readers are used to snarking, and we're pretty damn good at it. :) And now, you've got at least some of us, so bring it on!
You should have a feature on Dorks on Horseback in our honor. I think I have some pics on my Myspace of Dorks on Horseback who have attempted to hook up with me.
I fell in love with you somewhere between "Gangsta" and "Hay You." Where have you been all my life, funny man?
Weasel, you have just hit the reader jackpot. You now have the attention of thousands of snarky, mostly female readers of Fugly Horse Of The Day. It appears that at long last, FHOTD readers have landed somewhere where they won't be called mean and where nobody will threaten lawsuits when we laugh. The Fugly Mafia salutes you!
Y chromosomes ruin perfectly good creatures!
Keep up the good work, Weasel, not that its so hard finding examples of extreme male stupidity in trying to woo the fairer sex *wink* Yeah we just love reading about your second brain, guys. The one in your pants, get it?
I'm hooked! I laughed until my eyes watered, this blog is awesome.
Weasel just got new plates for his 1976 Gremlin: FHOTD
I have also renounced all forms of glue, as well as the French as a whole. Their fries fucking sucked anyway.
Thank all you FHOTD'ers so much, and I actually had a little contact with the owner of that blog today. (Not that kind, you sick, twisted, overheated horse bloggers.)
On a completely ironic note, I grew up on a farm, next to another farm with violent horses. One day, a horse got a hold of the woman that cared for them and trampled her nearly to death. To this day, I consider them sadistic killing machines. They speak to me. "You're next, asshole."
Nothing scares me. Except horses.
Oh I'm sure she deserved it.
OMG!! I drive truck for a living and even those guys aren't as bad as these personal ads!!! I haven't been so shocked, felt my IQ drop way down and laughed so damn hard all in the same second as I did when I read some of these ads....wow!! Why do they think that showing us the brain with the most IQ is a turn on for us I haven't quite figured that one out yet!! Maybe it is I that is out of it and that really is a turn on?!! LMFAO!!
Maybe , this is why women loves men .. somehow !!
I’m still snickering over the car ad in your “behind why women hate men” blog. If anyone out there hasn’t read it, it’s hilarious.
I also found your site through Fugly Horse of the Day. Are you enjoying being inundated with people checking out your blog, and comments by people with horse oriented blogger names and pictures?
Surprise! You’ve just become a star among bloggers! LOL!
Worst yet, we’re sending your link to friends!
Crap, you know what that means, eh (yes, I’m Canadian)? Now you’ll have to succumb to the whims of your public, who will be eagerly awaiting your next entries. No doubt, they’ll be scouring the net for fodder for you.
I’m with cutnjump: “do you have a similar blog about the numerous female whack job psycho's out there?” This space could use a little “equal opportunity”.
Thanks for the giggles!
Gooba, gobba, gooba gobba, we accept you! We accept you!
OK. No e-mail sent yet, but I thought I would post quickly here...
I have always appreciated and respected quick-witted and snarky social commentary. Thank you! I, too, found your blog through the FHOTD post and have spent the last few days laughing my ass off at your posts. Please keep up the good work!
We like your stuff!
Time to perform Big Boy!
I'm from FHOTD as well -- great blog! I couldn't stop laughing, I actually read through every entry!
Be careful what you wish for though, we'll all be waiting for new entries daily :D
I try to post Monday and Thursday mornings, with 3 to 4 new posts each of those days.
And if I'm sent gems in between, I post those on off days.
Don't you know what happens when you pressure men to perform?
RE: Don't you know what happens when you pressure men to perform?
Oop's, sorry.....we know all to well!
Another FHOTD reader here. I just wanted to say i love your blog.I haven't laughed so much in such a long long time,Iam sure I sprained something.LOL.
"And yes, if you're female, that owl is staring at your breasts."
I almost sprayed yoghurt all over the monitor...
Everytime I come here I laugh hysterically. I love your blog!
Oh, and, I agree with cutnjump. What about a "similar blog about the numerous female whack job psycho's out there"?
"'And yes, if you're female, that owl is staring at your breasts.'
I almost sprayed yoghurt all over the monitor... "
Everyone else's been helping themselves to the fun of the archived pages, I hope?
Also discovered your blog through FHOTD. You're a scream.
Funny stuff! I couldn't help but think that it was just a sophisticated ploy to get some pussy - giving your personal e-mail just confirms this. *High five bro*
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