i whant a fucking budy lets have fun im fantacy lover boy
i whant to suck you for head to toes i whant to suck on that puusy cat ontill i hit that balls but hoooooooo lovely women i whant a fucking budy i whant to suck and fuck today my balls
Ladies and gentlemen, I am a wordsmith.
Through my years of experience, I am able to parse meaning from the written word through a thorough and detailed analyses of syntax, dangling participles, and complex verbiage.
I retreated to my study tonight with my pipe and elegant long-haired cat, and painstakingly de-constructed the eloquent prose of this personal ad.
After a complete and extrospective analyses of his grammatical constructs, I determined exactly what Da Pretty Boi is trying to say:
He wants you to fucking suck you suck that puusy cat hit that balls lovely woman want fuck budy want to suck fuck and fuck my balls.
So, in conclusion, I must query:
Yo Pretty Boi, why didn't you just say that goddamn shit in the first place before I had to get all community college on your ass?
Weasel: Don't think you quite captured the beauty of Da Pretty Boi's soul....let me try: I whant to fuckfuckfuckfucksucksucksuck you fucking fantacy budy
This makes my brain bleed.....
The truly scary part is the juxtaposition of the pussy sucking with the hitting of the balls. It sounds like he's having a fantasy about a hermaphrodite!
Remember, folks - sentence structure matters!
Proper spelling and grammer could go a long, long ways towards Da Pretty Boi actually getting laid.
Which I am assuming IS the goal here...
Then again it might all be wasted on him too. Which I am pretty sure he was when he wrote the ad.
Everything about him screams- "HOOD RAT!".
Has anyone seen that movie Idiocracy? And you know how it's supposed to take place 500years in the future?
I fear that this guy has brought Idiocracy to the present.
I think my brain threw up a little...
lol Gemtwist, I just mentioned that movie on Fugly's blog.
Yeah, I was trying to figure out where he was going to get to the balls when he was sucking the pussy... I mean, I can't speak for all women, but I've yet to find any on me. :P
RE: Yo Pretty Boi, why didn't you just say that goddamn shit in the first place before I had to get all community college on your ass?
Jeez Weasle, from the way he writes do you think he knows what a college is?
Boi instead of boy? It's only a three lettered word, much like duh!
Fuglyhorse--are you sure he's NOT having a fantasy about a hermaphrodite, maybe?
This one made me LOL! Love your comments.
He could be Swedish. Too bad he isn't wearing lederhosen.
"Please to help me with my rucksack..."
Swedish...lederhosen??? Wrong country, wrong language, dear.
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